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Visions... Empty Visions...

Post by Spirit-Being January 21st 2009, 1:14 pm

I have many visions throughout the day, most do not come true but i can see wonderful things and not so wonderful, For instance i ride a 10 speed to work everyday, i choose to because i do not feel having a car is beneficial to me, i know sounds strange but i am a strange person i think differently. anyhow as i am riding the 10 speed to work, i will ride by cars that in a rush to get somewhere quick, and picture a car hitting me and killing me. This is somewhat disturbing but, i find myself being much more cautious i do not rush to get anywhere i take my time. I think visions teach us things, and show us this is what will happen if you keep living your life this way!

If you have any visions you would like to share, i would love to hear them.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Dreamer January 21st 2009, 1:27 pm

Oh I just have to mention your post count on this particular topic is 111
I don't know if I was meant to notice this for YOU or for ME but this is what Doreen Virtue says about 111

111 — Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).

Number of posts : 117
Appreciation Points : 36
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Spirit-Being January 21st 2009, 2:14 pm

Very interesting Dreamer

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

I have never heard this before, the first thought i got when you said 111 was numerology, i began relating it to one of the master numbers 11 but i knew that this was not the case because 111 is the number. Laughing Sometimes i drag posts out as to not post short, do not know why i do this. Maybe i need to evaluate my life, thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Dreamer January 21st 2009, 8:05 pm

Spirit-Being wrote:

If you have any visions you would like to share, i would love to hear them.

Many Blessings
One I recall vividly.
I was at work, looking out the window at the traffic while waiting for my patient to be ready.
I "saw" my co-worker's car involved in an accident. and I was thinking to myself if that happened I would have to call and cancel the rest of her patients.
Just a few mins. later my co-worker(really she was my supervisor) calls and tells me that she was in a car accident, she is ok, but won't be back- for me to cancel the rest of her patients.

Number of posts : 117
Appreciation Points : 36
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by in2_wishin January 24th 2009, 5:19 pm

I usually dont have horrible visions throughout my day, but if a vision hits me and i think about it, then i get a bad feeling in my stomach, then i pay more attention.. Although most of the time nothing ends up bad happening. Its important to be cautious, but also important to know that we are all protected by god and angels so we dont have to be worried all the time. I say that to myself everyday.

Number of posts : 18
Appreciation Points : 0
Registration date : 2008-12-23

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Spirit-Being January 25th 2009, 5:32 pm

I agree that we are protected by divine beings. It is very comforting to know this :study:

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Taurus20 March 5th 2013, 1:43 pm

Spirit-Being wrote:I have many visions throughout the day, most do not come true but i can see wonderful things and not so wonderful, For instance i ride a 10 speed to work everyday, i choose to because i do not feel having a car is beneficial to me, i know sounds strange but i am a strange person i think differently. anyhow as i am riding the 10 speed to work, i will ride by cars that in a rush to get somewhere quick, and picture a car hitting me and killing me. This is somewhat disturbing but, i find myself being much more cautious i do not rush to get anywhere i take my time. I think visions teach us things, and show us this is what will happen if you keep living your life this way!

If you have any visions you would like to share, i would love to hear them.

Many Blessings

Spirit, I just found this old post of yours and wanted to respond, in fact I just finished posting about some of my visions in another post but I have many others so here goes.

I am shown many things in my 3rd eye. I see people spirits and scenes some people I know others I don't. Some scenes are of areas where I am looking down from above and see land and water and people running all over like they are trying to get away from something. It looks like desert land and sometimes the water is calm and other times there are huge waves, sometimes the people are digging in different areas.
I am also shown old artifacts and stone. It looks like it's from another era. Lots of times I am shown pictures of different family members who are on the other side. Another thing I see is papers with writing on them and I usually can't make out what it says. Once though I was shown what looked like a Purchase and Sales agreement and I thought to myself that's strange because I just signed a lease agreement to rent our condo but this was a P&S. Well a month later I was signing Real Estate contract for sale of our condo. The listing agent for the rental had someone who was looking to buy and he showed them ours and it was sold. I believe that spirit was telling me that I wasn't going to lease the condo I was going to sell it. Spiritual

It would be interesting to hear what others see too! What kind of interesting sightings do you have? Heart Pump
Spirit are you still being shown visions?

Number of posts : 356
Age : 80
Location : Gulf Coast Florida
Hobbies : Meditation,reading, swimming,dancing and having fun .
Tell us about yourself : Looking for like minded people to connect with while on this spiritual journey.
Appreciation Points : 469
Registration date : 2013-02-16

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Taurus20 March 21st 2013, 11:31 am

Not many of you answered this post by Spirit but I'm sure you could share with us what your visions are! Circle of Friends

Also we could all learn by what your visions teach you too! Hugs

Number of posts : 356
Age : 80
Location : Gulf Coast Florida
Hobbies : Meditation,reading, swimming,dancing and having fun .
Tell us about yourself : Looking for like minded people to connect with while on this spiritual journey.
Appreciation Points : 469
Registration date : 2013-02-16

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Guest March 21st 2013, 2:04 pm

Yes indeed visions can be great teachers.
In my case some of what I saw I only understood after
many,many years because I did not have the understanding.
One of these is that for me God is a Trinity.
Not the Christian Trinity.
I was shown a giant three armed Y,radiating brilliant streams of light.
It is only after 35 years have I understood this symbol.
In order to create, God who was one became a three with each
arm representing a particular function needed to bring creation
into existence and yet HE remaines a one.That is the amazing
symbolism of the Y.
The bottom arm represents the HE ,the creator of the Ideas. The right arm is the feminine ,the SHE
the creative womb in which the Ideas take shape and the last,the left arm is the executive function,the SON
whereby creation is released into actual being and set on it's journey.In other words HE-SHE-HE=Y
Please note I talk of God the Son,not the Son of God,who is someone else.


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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Aussiepom March 21st 2013, 2:50 pm

I read this topic the other day and thought 'Visions'.
I thought what a lovely word 'Visions' is.

I think my beautiful vision was standing on a mountain top with my late husband beside me.
The previous day I had asked him the question 'What is the spirit world like'?

That night I was taken to a mountain top. He stood beside me though I couldn't see clearly.
I looked down into a valley and saw scenery like I had never seen before.
(I may have put this on here before somewhere)

The colours were what entranced me. Hues of every shade you can imagine.
Blues,rose coloured flowers,an azure blue lake.
I have never forgotten that vision..... Sad

Joan xxx

Number of posts : 818
Age : 90
Location : Cambridgeshire UK
Hobbies : Reading,swimming and Spiritualism
Tell us about yourself : Widowed 6 years ago.
Appreciation Points : 891
Registration date : 2012-02-21

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by sunmystic March 21st 2013, 3:44 pm

Taurus20 wrote:Not many of you answered this post by Spirit but I'm sure you could share with us what your visions are! Visions... 156389

Also we could all learn by what your visions teach you too! Visions... 648385

My latest vision (yesterday), I saw Lord Jesus standing in Heaven in front of a gathering of the "loving divine" folk and He and they were smiling at me with a loving smile. What did I learn from this vision experience? What I learned, is that I am way closer to the Lord Jesus and the "loving divine" that I thought that I was. And that there is a bunch of things that I am going to have to rethink when it comes to my relationship to Lord Jesus and the "loving divine". sunmystic/john

Number of posts : 944
Age : 75
Location : pacific nothwest, USA
Hobbies : none
Tell us about yourself : I love the loving Divine
Appreciation Points : 1034
Registration date : 2010-12-04

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Taurus20 March 21st 2013, 7:51 pm

John, that is wonderful! Smile Amen I know what you mean when you say you have to rethink your relationship. I really believe we are shown things so we will rethink our beliefs. Life on earth is just one big learning process.

Were you meditating when you saw Jesus? Praise

Number of posts : 356
Age : 80
Location : Gulf Coast Florida
Hobbies : Meditation,reading, swimming,dancing and having fun .
Tell us about yourself : Looking for like minded people to connect with while on this spiritual journey.
Appreciation Points : 469
Registration date : 2013-02-16

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by sunmystic March 22nd 2013, 1:29 am

Taurus20 wrote:John, that is wonderful! Smile Visions... 117261 I know what you mean when you say you have to rethink your relationship. I really believe we are shown things so we will rethink our beliefs. Life on earth is just one big learning process.

Were you meditating when you saw Jesus? Visions... 864308

No not really Smile I was just outside in the early morning having a cigarette and a cup of coffee and Lord Jesus and some folks that were with Him just appeared in Heaven and smiled at me. Actually what is funny was that when Mia said that to heal me she was going to go to the unknown (whoever is out there that can help) to heal me of my fear of happiness, I told her that if the "loving divine" shows up that they will probably bless her but not heal me Smile . And the highest ups of the "loving divine" were the ones to show up and I will never be the same again! Which is perfectly ok with me. I have had that prayer out there to the "loving divine" for years now and they never answered it. Mia said that it was because I wouldn't let Them. They caught me while I was sleeping and by the time I woke up it was all over Smile . Lord Jesus has been a very important part of my life ever since my first prayer when I was five years old and I have been a Christian mystic ever since that first payer. I asked Father God to take away my fear of the dark in the name of Jesus Christ and I had an awesome indescribable mystical experience and then was never afraid of the dark again. It is funny that we receive most of our personality programming by the time we are six years old and then some of us spend the rest of our lives working to straighten out the mess. That part of the learning experience I wish that I had not had to go through, but I suppose it makes me a better person in the long run. John

Number of posts : 944
Age : 75
Location : pacific nothwest, USA
Hobbies : none
Tell us about yourself : I love the loving Divine
Appreciation Points : 1034
Registration date : 2010-12-04

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by Taurus20 March 22nd 2013, 11:12 am

Amen Smile Smile Smile It's all in the Divine plan John, for some reason you weren't suppose to have it happen till now. The fact is prayer does work but only when we truly believe in it. Someone really wants to see you happy! flower

Number of posts : 356
Age : 80
Location : Gulf Coast Florida
Hobbies : Meditation,reading, swimming,dancing and having fun .
Tell us about yourself : Looking for like minded people to connect with while on this spiritual journey.
Appreciation Points : 469
Registration date : 2013-02-16

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

Post by sunmystic March 22nd 2013, 11:16 am

Taurus20 wrote: Visions... 117261 Smile Smile Smile It's all in the Divine plan John, for some reason you weren't suppose to have it happen till now. The fact is prayer does work but only when we truly believe in it. Someone really wants to see you happy! flower

What a beautiful thing to say! Major "hugs"!

Number of posts : 944
Age : 75
Location : pacific nothwest, USA
Hobbies : none
Tell us about yourself : I love the loving Divine
Appreciation Points : 1034
Registration date : 2010-12-04

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Visions... Empty Re: Visions...

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