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Lilith in Leo

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Lilith in Leo Empty Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 22nd 2013, 3:37 am

Maybe of interest to those who are Leo's

Power, influence, and supremacy: Lilith emphasizes these in Leo. The person has to solve something regarding domination. Here is an ambiguity: fascination together with rejection of what is noble, luxurious and sumptuous. Because he likes them, the person needs to exert his influence on those who are around. He also feels with his heart those he loves and it gives to him the "inner knowledge of the things and the beings". He knows intuitively which way they have to follow and he wants to force them to take it. But things do not work, as he wants. Authoritarian on a paternalistic and kindly mode, the person has to learn how to let the others living and sometimes – leaving... He has a thirst of power that he will never satisfy, as he would like, because there is an absolute impossibility for him to dictate to others. He will have to learn how to forget his own desires and his ego must be dissolved. The person may shine forth without being at the first place. The temptation of the personality cult is never far. The trap would be to exert anyway one's authority under the cover of great traditional or pioneer principles. He may be the center of a group, admired or idolized by the members. On the other hand the person may fight for ideas he does not apply in his own life, because he does not want to restrain himself and he wants to protect his ego. He may also feel an excessive need for intense pleasure, passion and power he will never satisfy. The instinctive power of self assertion comes back after every failure and each time the temptation to have again the same behavior is there. The person must control and restrain his instinctive strength. Aquarius – opposite to Leo – will impose to the person long-term objectives, will force to think, to calculate the consequences of actions, to cast doubt over his instinctive mode of action, to plan his behavior, to be conscious. Also there is an artistic potential to develop on another way. The person may be a teacher. In the past lives, the person might have exerted a power, sometimes at a high level. He also might have been an artist. Abusive power or crushing inferiority. Whatever was the contest, the soul has kept today an imprint which may feel her guilty when she is confronted to similar situations. She may aspire after power to the detriment of everything or she may fight against those who are despotic. If Lilith is between 0° and 2° of Leo, there is a rebirth, a new personality is born. But the movement can't be accelerated. The person goes through periods of fears where things are instinctively held (see Mars position on the Chart). Then he lives periods where he frees himself from past. If Lilith is between 28° and 30°00 of Leo, the person will try to use his influence through the word, to pass on his knowledge with the help of the Leo's innate authority, together with his try to adapt himself to other people and to reality. He has to find a new direction for his gifts in order to transform them and to serve the other people. 
Keywords : ambition – sexuality – cold will – megalomania – great-vitality – arrogance – success is often here but with trials in creativity and love affairs – heart and eyes are fragile.

Number of posts : 155
Age : 80
Location : Kfar blum
Hobbies : Walking,reading,meditation,open source
Tell us about yourself : Serious minded.Dry sense of humour.Very emotional.
Appreciation Points : 241
Registration date : 2013-08-22

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by Aussiepom August 22nd 2013, 6:22 am

Stephen you have described my son.     He is a Leo by birth and the description you have given of Leo's suits him down to the ground.     A loving son but always set on what he says is correct.
Forceful but not too forceful.      His thoughts are always correct.....plus many other characteristics you have given here.
His leading sign is Capricorn.    Duh 

I am a Pisces with Leo rising....more Pisces than Leo thank God.   Someone once said to me 'Oh my God,fire and water!'.

Aquarius – opposite to Leo – will impose to the person long-term objectives, will force to think, to calculate the consequences of actions, to cast doubt over his instinctive mode of action, to plan his behavior, to be conscious.

Aquarius is his wife.

Where does Lillith come in here?


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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 22nd 2013, 6:38 am

Power, influence, and supremacy: Lilith emphasizes these in Leo.

 If Lilith is between 0° and 2° of Leo, there is a rebirth, a new personality is born. But the movement can't be accelerated. The person goes through periods of fears where things are instinctively held (see Mars position on the Chart). Then he lives periods where he frees himself from past. If Lilith is between 28° and 30°00 of Leo, the person will try to use his influence through the word, to pass on his knowledge with the help of the Leo's innate authority, together with his try to adapt himself to other people and to reality. He has to find a new direction for his gifts in order to transform them and to serve the other people. 

Dear Joan,
I do not know anything about astrology.I hope other people will be able to explain better.I took the
whole quote of the internet but was particularly drawn to the importance of an Aquarius and Lilith
on a Leo.
I have been recently very impressed with the accuracy of the Astrological descriptions.
I still do not know or understand how a Leo could lessen the more difficult behaviors in  their
personality make up.Lillith in their make up .Is not clear to me if it is a positive or a negative.
I think an Aquarius wife is a definite positive,for your son, from what I can understand .

Number of posts : 155
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Location : Kfar blum
Hobbies : Walking,reading,meditation,open source
Tell us about yourself : Serious minded.Dry sense of humour.Very emotional.
Appreciation Points : 241
Registration date : 2013-08-22

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by Aussiepom August 22nd 2013, 6:43 am

You are giving me what I thought you would,Stephen.  Long story with my son and wife.   
Will tell you some time.....Briefly they have just reunited after 30 years apart.

Bringing soul mates into it,they are a perfect example of that.


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Hobbies : Reading,swimming and Spiritualism
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Registration date : 2012-02-21

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 22nd 2013, 7:00 am

Very interesting

Number of posts : 155
Age : 80
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Hobbies : Walking,reading,meditation,open source
Tell us about yourself : Serious minded.Dry sense of humour.Very emotional.
Appreciation Points : 241
Registration date : 2013-08-22

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by laura ann August 22nd 2013, 7:10 am

sitting here laughing

I am a LEO rflho

I am a Leo born zodiac child..

but I am a air and water astral creature

mix all that into a big ball of OMG she is hard to handle lol

Joan)))  lovely your  family is finding their way
laura ann
laura ann

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by laura ann August 22nd 2013, 9:37 am

again back to apologize for my wise cracks..

when I don't actually understand things I need to learn to be quiet instead of making smart remarks.

I apologize to  Stephen and Joan both...
again off to  hide under my pillow>>>
laura ann
laura ann

Number of posts : 664
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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 22nd 2013, 10:01 am

Dear Laura,
Thanks for the apologize,but from my point of view I
suspected a delinquent personality having an early morning romp.
Nothing really to say sorry about.I am sorry you are upset.
You are still loved.

Number of posts : 155
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Location : Kfar blum
Hobbies : Walking,reading,meditation,open source
Tell us about yourself : Serious minded.Dry sense of humour.Very emotional.
Appreciation Points : 241
Registration date : 2013-08-22

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by Aussiepom August 22nd 2013, 10:29 am

laura ann wrote:again back to apologize for my wise cracks..

when I don't actually understand things I need to learn to be quiet instead of making smart remarks.

I apologize to  Stephen and Joan both...
again off to  hide under my pillow>>>
Stop hiding,Laura....no need to....I'm a bit like you.    Open my mouth and usually end up stuffing a pillow in it.Crying or Very sad 
That is when my  Leo side comes out.   My Pisces side is very quiet....Rolling Eyes

Number of posts : 818
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Location : Cambridgeshire UK
Hobbies : Reading,swimming and Spiritualism
Tell us about yourself : Widowed 6 years ago.
Appreciation Points : 891
Registration date : 2012-02-21

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by laura ann August 22nd 2013, 11:36 am

ahhhhh Thanks Joanie and Steve phen

with me it is usually my full on Leo lion growling major BS lol lol

I wasn't upset was just wishing  with age I would finally learn to keep my big mouth shut... don't look like it  will ever happen lol lol

thought crosses mind>>>rolls off end of tongue !!!  no filters
laura ann
laura ann

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by laura ann August 22nd 2013, 11:41 am

Stephen and the many lol

did you  see this..??????? your new avatar ( which I love love love) and words since rejoined made me wonder if you  saw this in yesterdays news feeds.  I am witnessing an entire new you emerging hmmmmm


sure looks like a dragon.air/water/earth creature to me...

believe I may have seen an angel  chop it's head off during a apothyliptcle (spell?) vision

isn't there  some biblical prophecy  about  this type thing as well
laura ann
laura ann

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 22nd 2013, 12:15 pm

I am a bit mystified by all this Laura.That sea monster pictures did not make it to
my part of the world.
A new me emerging? Strange thing to say Laura Ann.
You see an association between that beheaded creature,angels and myself ?
Biblical prophecies?
Deep stuff.
I am out of my depth here.
Glad you liked my new avatar.

Number of posts : 155
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Hobbies : Walking,reading,meditation,open source
Tell us about yourself : Serious minded.Dry sense of humour.Very emotional.
Appreciation Points : 241
Registration date : 2013-08-22

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by laura ann August 22nd 2013, 12:36 pm

No you misread my words.

I said your new dragon avatar made the article pop into my head....

I don't see it connected to you  BUT I do see it connected to biblical prophecies
laura ann
laura ann

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 22nd 2013, 12:49 pm

laura ann wrote:No you misread my words.
I am good at that:pale  

I said your new dragon avatar made the article pop into my head....
OK slowly getting there

I don't see it connected to you  BUT I do see it connected to biblical prophecies
AH there we are.I understand now
Now I can ask what prophecies?

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 22nd 2013, 12:58 pm

Rev. 13:1-7
Lilith in Leo 12100
"I saw a BEAST rise up out of the SEA, having SEVEN HEADS and TEN HORNS, and upon his horns TEN CROWNS, and upon his heads the NAMES OF BLASPHEMY. And the BEAST which I saw was like unto a LEOPARD, and his feet were as the feet of a BEAR, and hismouth as the mouth of a LION; and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his HEADS as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed; and all the world wondered after the BEAST. . . . And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue FORTY AND TWO, MONTHS. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His Name, and His Tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindred.,, and tongues, and nations."

Are you thinking of this?

Number of posts : 155
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Tell us about yourself : Serious minded.Dry sense of humour.Very emotional.
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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by laura ann August 22nd 2013, 4:35 pm

no  this is what popped in head when saw the creature


not by any means saying is actually related before it gets msiconstrued

am saying it popped in my head
laura ann
laura ann

Number of posts : 664
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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 23rd 2013, 12:58 am

Dear Laura,
I have read the page of revelation you gave.
What I may have learn't from this ,is what sort of imagery seems
to inspire you.
Is this a fair guess?
Do you read and study Revelations for this?
I personally found the imagery very disturbing.
Jagged and sharp.
Thanks for posting it.As always you are for me a good teacher.
A good teacher inspires original thought.

Number of posts : 155
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Hobbies : Walking,reading,meditation,open source
Tell us about yourself : Serious minded.Dry sense of humour.Very emotional.
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Registration date : 2013-08-22

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by laura ann August 23rd 2013, 1:44 am

Actually I haven't read the book of Revelations or any biblical book  in years..

Just recently been  seeing some things visually that has  prompted my mind to pull recall on some scripture I felt I had read .

that has then  sent me searching to see if in fact I had recall on  some of them that matched some visuals i was getting. 

I now can actually say the  phrase "ignorance is bliss"  seems like a godsend to me. lol lol

NONE of this Imagry INSPIRES me at all. Not in any way shape or form. Of course it is disturbing.. very disturbing.

If you think that dead creature and possible related scripture  is jagged and sharp ( your words) then you would not want to see all the things I see.

Not sure about me teaching anyone anything..
other then a need for me to talk about it before it all consumes  me lol lol

Lordy all this evolved from you  mentioned you  like your dragon and my liking your new avatar..

1:40 in morning for me and way to serious thoughts.. off to find something lighter to read ...shivers

I do know all this is  not just coincedences...to much synchronicity to  keep blowing it all off as over active imagination.
laura ann
laura ann

Number of posts : 664
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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

Post by skfarblum August 23rd 2013, 3:06 am

Insomniac internet chatter.

Number of posts : 155
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Location : Kfar blum
Hobbies : Walking,reading,meditation,open source
Tell us about yourself : Serious minded.Dry sense of humour.Very emotional.
Appreciation Points : 241
Registration date : 2013-08-22

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Lilith in Leo Empty Re: Lilith in Leo

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