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What is remote viewing?

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What is remote viewing? Empty What is remote viewing?

Post by Spirit-Being December 13th 2008, 6:30 pm

By : Paul H. Smith

Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a perceiver (a "viewer") to describe or give details about a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance, time, or shielding. For example, a viewer might be asked to describe a location on the other side of the world, which he or she has never visited; or a viewer might describe an event that happened long ago; or describe an object sealed in a container or locked in a room; or perhaps even describe a person or an activity; all without being told anything about the target -- not even its name or designation.

From this explanation, it is obvious that remote viewing is related to so-called psi (also known as "psychic" or "parapsychological") phenomena such as clairvoyance or telepathy. Whatever it is that seems to make it possible for human beings to do remote viewing is probably the same underlying ability that makes such things as clairvoyance work. But remote viewing (or "RV") differs from other, more traditional parapsychological activities in a number of ways:

  • Most reports of paranormal events come from outside the science lab, and when research is done on these cousins of RV, it is somewhat like examining the natural history of some specimen brought in from the wild. When clairvoyance (RV's closest relative) was done under controlled conditions for research purposes, it was generally targeted at such things as cards or colors, since these sorts of targets allowed easy scoring of experimental results. Remote viewing, on the other hand, was actually developed and first explored in a research setting (more about this in the history section). And the sorts of targets used for RV research differed from those typically used in other psi research. Targets chosen for "viewing" include geographic locations, hidden objects, and even such things as archaeological sites and space objects about which it was expected that ground truth would eventually become known, so that the viewer's accuracy could be checked.

  • Unlike most other psi disciplines, remote viewing is not precisely one thing, but rather an integrated "cocktail" of various phenomena. Despite the "viewing" part of the term, remote viewing is only partly about experiences associated with what might be visible about a target. It also involves mental impressions pertaining to the other senses, such as sounds, tastes, smells, and textures, as well as limited telepathy-like effects, and in some cases just plain intuitive "knowing." RV owes some of these qualities to the fact that lessons learned from research in clairvoyance, telepathy, and even out-of-body experiences -- traditionally considered separate disciplines -- played a role in its development.

  • In remote viewing, the viewer not only verbalizes what he or she is perceiving, but usually also records in writing, in sketches, and sometimes even in three-dimensional modeling the results of the remote viewing episode, or "session."

  • Remote viewing tends to be more structured than other psi disciplines. In some important varieties of remote viewing, viewers follow specific scripted formats. These formats are designed to enhance the viewer's performance in various ways, such as to better deal with mental "noise" (stray thoughts, imaginings, analysis, etc. that degrades the "psychic signal") or to allow incoming data to be better managed. Some of these structural methodologies are widely used. Other methods are more personal. An individual remote viewer, for example, might through trial and error develop his or her own customized approach.

  • Proper remote viewing is done within a strict science-based protocol. As mentioned, the remote viewer is kept unwitting of either the nature or identity of the target until after the session is completed. Except in training situations, the monitor (a sort of remote viewing "guide" or facilitator that may assist the viewer during the session) is also unwitting, and external clues or data about the target are carefully excluded. Sessions are conducted in a setting that prevents knowledge of the target "leaking" to the viewer. These measures are important to insure that the viewer does not receive hints or clues about the target in any way other than what would be considered "psychic."

  • Remote viewing is not used to give "psychic readings," "tell fortunes," "read auras," or other sorts of popular activities of this nature, but is rather a means of doing serious science research and for performing operational-type tasks in criminal investigations, government intelligence work, commercial applications, etc. Many who want to explore their individual human potentials also become interested in it.

Finally, one last point related to structures or methods that are often employed in remote viewing: RV is not really a "psychic phenomenon" as such, but actually an imposed discipline or skill that helps the viewer to facilitate or "harness" his or her own innate, underlying psi abilities. Some RV theorists think that formal RV methods are really just strategies that help the viewer to more successfully and reliably access the subconscious, where it is most likely that information obtained from RV first emerges into human consciousness.

Last edited by Spirit-Being on December 15th 2008, 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Dreamer December 14th 2008, 5:35 pm

Gosh I love that word "psi" Laughing
This topic fascinates me.
I read a book called Psychic Warrior about the Stargate program implemented by the US government. They used RVers to gather information. Not only spying, but for finding downed military personnel etc.
In my opinion an excellent book.

I have taken a few RV tests, but I never score very high. maybe i need practice!

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Spirit-Being December 15th 2008, 6:54 pm

Yes any form psychic phenomena fascinates me as well. Smile Sounds like a greatd book to read. I purchased a book some time ago called "REMOTE VIEWING"by David Morehouse, Ph.D. I still have not got around to reading it, remember the subject about slackers, well now is when it comes into play Rolling Eyes I have purchased many books that i need to read one day, and i will. Today i decided to look up remote viewing and read up on it, i came across a site that has a few tests for remote viewing, as well as psychic ability tests. I enjoyed taking them and i did okay. I liked the fact that when taking these tests and having a calm and peaceful mind set the test is very fun and seems to open my third eye chakra. I will share the link to this site if anyone is interested.

Remote Viewing Tests

Many Blessings

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Dreamer December 15th 2008, 7:45 pm

David Morehouse!
That's him...I thought I put the author. anyhoo...same guy.
Thanks for the link...I love taking those kinds of tests.

Every year I visit the Edgar Casey Association for Research and Enlightement (A.R.E)
That is where i have taking a number of tests.
You may be able to do it online since it is through their system. You may have to become a member though.

I just registered for the psi tests...they are the same ones I mentioned they use at A.R.E Very Happy Fun!!

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by d-knots January 5th 2009, 8:27 pm


can you guess what i saw around 3 months ago
there were near 5 of these
I was really surprise because I never ever
saw anything like it in my life before...
it made me smile

and you guess?

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Spirit-Being January 6th 2009, 12:27 pm

I will take a shot at this, the first thought that came to mind was "shooting stars"

Many Blessings

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What is remote viewing? Empty I think you saw--------

Post by Wind-Dancer January 6th 2009, 6:09 pm

I think you saw orbs, just the first thing that came to my mind.

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by d-knots January 6th 2009, 7:22 pm

well, it was fun waiting
and I thought you might sharpen your skills
I won't suspend it any longer....

I didn't want to give it away

....but they were five grey squirels all in a row like they were
following each others footsteps - sort of like ducklings -
they sat there a moment (each seemed to have it's own
personality not cookie cut at all) And I could swear
one was smiling at me....
I've never seen that happen before and I've been here a long
time as soon as I noticed I was being watched I stoped
to watch what they were up to
Hey! they were looking at me first! LOL

I could only step lightly and smile to myself
so as not to startle them
but telepathically and ever so lightly thanking them
for hanging around a bit enough to grace me.

- take what you need and leave the rest
gotta LOVE it.....

who's next?

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Spirit-Being January 7th 2009, 8:06 pm

That is awesome! when we stop and observe the wildlife as they go about their business we see many traits that we can relate to in our lives with our families. I have observed the birds that were in my yard many times, it is so fascinating how smart mother natures creatures are. Must have been a beautiful site watching the little ones follow their mother Very Happy

I will say the other guess about what you saw was "5 brown Bears" go figure.. I was way off

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by d-knots January 7th 2009, 8:15 pm

after thinking about it
both of you were kind of on target
i've seen shooting stars alot in that particular area
but years ago...
and it's the same area that I had witnessed a floating orb
as well as taken photos of it... but it's not about the pics
it's about remote viewing

so the timing was off but both of you mentioned stuff that
also happened in the same are these squirrels squatted
for a bit of grace....

anyone of you have a quest to guess?...LOL

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Aussiepom February 19th 2013, 2:59 pm

Talking about Remote Viewing,I am absolutely useless at it.
Rolling Eyes

But I remember a couple of years ago on an old site,three of us decided to have a go at it.
I offered to hold the object and the other two members would 'remote view' it.
Two of us were in the UK and the other in Holland.

I picked an object which was a statue of an Australian soldier sitting on a horse.
It was made of bronze.
Quite a heavy object.
It took the couple 45 mins to get what it was. They 'saw' the horse first. Described it to a 'T'.
Then I was asked if the man who was on the horse was wearing a uniform.
They even got it down to which world war it was.

The last thing they got...was the bronze. Smile

I bought the statue last time I was in Australia,in memory of my husband's service in Korea.


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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Taurus20 February 20th 2013, 11:42 am

That was quite interesting the way you all did that. Maybe some of us could try it sometime. I don't know if I would stay at it for 45 minutes though. I took a class on intuition once and the instructor did something similar and he told us not to really think on it, that the first voice that came into our head should be what we say.
For me I had a picture of a woman who looked to be about 85 and I was to guess the full name, relationship to the person who gave the picture to me and her hobbies.
I got part of her last name correct but the first name I guessed turned out to be the womans sisters name.
The very first thought I got was Golfing and I thought that was crazy because this was an old lady but the instructor said to go with the first thought so I said it and to my amazement the woman said her mother was an avid golfer and had golfed right up to her passing.
So now I am learning how to really listen to the inner voice and I realize how much I have ignored it in my past.
I was just thinking maybe it would take longer since it was remote viewing, I am going to have to read up on that!
Thanks Good Post

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Taurus20 February 20th 2013, 11:45 am

BTW Aussiepom, the autor is Robert Schwartz, he is an excellent writer and uses a Channel and medium to verify everything. You will not be disappointed if you get that book. I know it's on Kindle too.

Love Peace Light Heart Pump

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Aussiepom February 20th 2013, 3:39 pm

Taurus20 wrote:That was quite interesting the way you all did that. Maybe some of us could try it sometime. I don't know if I would stay at it for 45 minutes though. I took a class on intuition once and the instructor did something similar and he told us not to really think on it, that the first voice that came into our head should be what we say.
For me I had a picture of a woman who looked to be about 85 and I was to guess the full name, relationship to the person who gave the picture to me and her hobbies.
I got part of her last name correct but the first name I guessed turned out to be the womans sisters name.
The very first thought I got was Golfing and I thought that was crazy because this was an old lady but the instructor said to go with the first thought so I said it and to my amazement the woman said her mother was an avid golfer and had golfed right up to her passing.
So now I am learning how to really listen to the inner voice and I realize how much I have ignored it in my past.
I was just thinking maybe it would take longer since it was remote viewing, I am going to have to read up on that!
Thanks Good Post

We all have inner voices and I tend to not listen to mine.... Duh
Have made many mistakes in my life through ignoring that inner voice.
Strangely enough I am very Empathic but just cannot sense what an unseen article looks like.
You sound as if you have mediumnistic gifts. Do you develope them?

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Aussiepom February 20th 2013, 3:43 pm

Taurus20 wrote:BTW Aussiepom, the autor is Robert Schwartz, he is an excellent writer and uses a Channel and medium to verify everything. You will not be disappointed if you get that book. I know it's on Kindle too.

Love Peace Light Heart Pump

Thanks for that name,Taurus. I know most of the names of the well known Brititish mediums but not that familiar with the American ones.
You must bring me up to date..... Very Happy

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Taurus20 February 23rd 2013, 11:24 am


Yes I have been trying to develop my talents. I take classes on line and I belong to a spirit group who meet every 2 weeks, we talk about spiritual things and discuss varied topics and help each other in our journeys.

My grandmother (paternal) is one of my guides and she is with me all the time. Our son is always around also. I have had many experiences of seeing spirit. Smile
My daughter is also an empath and she senses when spirit is around and feels their feelings. She also sees orbs in motion before she takes pictures. I see them in the pictures and spirits also.
I am enjoying this journey wherever it might bring me. I just started seeing spirit 2 1/2 years ago so all this is fairly new to me.
I'm glad I found this board because I like being around like type people who understand where I am coming from.
There are so many American Mediums, I really don't know where to start telling you about them. Some of the more famous are John Edward, James Van Praagh, Sylvia Brown, The Long Island Medium, Maureen Hancock and of course John Holland. Mavis Pattilla is also an English one I like very much. I'm really not familiar with other European or UK mediums, maybe you can help me out there. Thank You

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What is remote viewing? Empty Re: What is remote viewing?

Post by Aussiepom February 23rd 2013, 3:01 pm

I know most of the names of the American mediums bar Maureen Hancock and John Holland. They are new to me.
The others are quite well known often read or see them on television.

James van Pragh,didn't he act as an advisory medium when they were making the series,Ghost Whisperer?

Some our well known mediums here are Tony Stockwell,Colin Fry,there is one nicknamed the The Singing Barber,can't remember his true name.... Embarassed
I must look them up for you.

Colin Fry is an excellent medium,I've seen him in action.
Oh! Derek Acorah is another one.

My great grand mother was a medium. I am not a medium of sorts,do receive messages but not on spec.
I hear spirit giving me little messages as I am drifting off to sleep.
That's about it!
Keep up your training.....it's worth it!

Joan flower

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