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Patiently Waiting!

Essence Ka tha'ras
Serenity - Dawn
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Patiently Waiting! Empty Patiently Waiting!

Post by WhiteShaman October 16th 2009, 10:33 am

I am at a time in my spiritual journey where amazing experiences are taking place.
So amazing that I can’t help feel like what good is all this happening to me if it doesn’t manifest externally somehow.
I am very open to my inner voice in regards to acting upon whatever calls me but I’m not getting that.
It’s like I live in two worlds..not in a way where I am not being true to myself.. but in a way where I just don’t know what else to do!
Do you ever feel like that? Do you ever feel like a slingshot, pulled back into position with nowhere to let go of all that energy?
Do you ever feel like all you have learned and all the growth you have experienced is more or less self contained.
It’s easy to say, I’ll do this or that as a way to act out what I feel inside but what “should” I be doing.
What good is a lighthouse spot light unless it shines on the lost boats?
Sometimes it also feels like all we “should” be doing is getting ready for what we “will” be doing as the coming age approaches.
I swear if it wasn’t for forums like this where I could at least express myself, that I would go nuts!
Deep down I know the answer to my feelings and that is the time will come when I will be used in a big way to bring about change. I also know everything I do is very significant but today, I am feeling a bit impatient.
Thanks for listening!

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
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Registration date : 2009-09-09

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Serenity - Dawn October 16th 2009, 10:45 am

Hey White Shaman:

Sorry to hear that you are struggling today. We all have days like this, when we just get --- well like you said it correctly, impatient.

I am in a different place right now, because I still have alot to learn.

Have you thought about two things:
1. Is that the most important thing we do here, is teach others what we know!! This is how the human species actually evolves, & becomes more spiritual -- because there are elders, & teachers that are willing to share their knowledge..

2. Have you tried just asking the Universe, or God depending on your views -- Ask what your big purpose is? Then quietly meditate on this question.. You might have some kind of vision, or an answer some other way... God/Universe always provides for us...
Serenity - Dawn
Serenity - Dawn

Number of posts : 284
Age : 57
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Hobbies : I love astral travelling...
Tell us about yourself : I love animals, and nature. I believe we all come from the same Divine Sacred Source, and we are all entwined as one, with the universe.
Appreciation Points : 307
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by WhiteShaman October 16th 2009, 11:02 am

Thank you Serenity for your calm words!
I am sure that I fulfill the role of a teacher at times as well as a student at other times and they both are full of rewards and growth…but…what are we learning for aside for the sake of learning, is what I am struggling with. (I say struggle but I’m just expressing my thoughts).
What do we do when we are all awake?
I don’t understand the concept of purpose when speaking in the context of something that is predestined so that is not my truth. That may change one day but for now I would be kidding myself, if I said I believe that.
I do feel I am growing INTO some purpose but only because I am growing. You could grow into the same purpose.
I think I just answered my own question….I haven’t grown into any purpose other than what is happening right now…I have more growing to do, first!
In other words, I’ll know when I get there.
Thanks for listening and sharing. It helps so much to express and share such things with others who understand.
Peace and Blessings,

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
Hobbies : Art, Nature, Volunteer work
Appreciation Points : 543
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Serenity - Dawn October 16th 2009, 11:47 am

You're most welcome...

And I hope that when we are all awake, we will still....... never stop learning...
Serenity - Dawn
Serenity - Dawn

Number of posts : 284
Age : 57
Location : Canada
Hobbies : I love astral travelling...
Tell us about yourself : I love animals, and nature. I believe we all come from the same Divine Sacred Source, and we are all entwined as one, with the universe.
Appreciation Points : 307
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by WhiteShaman October 16th 2009, 11:58 am

Good point!!!
eternally evolving!!

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Essence Ka tha'ras October 16th 2009, 4:17 pm

Greetings All,

WhiteShaman, I know of the energies of which you speak.

Sharing from my own experiences, I have found it is within energies just such as this from which my greatest growth occurs.
I know I am not telling you anything you do not already know. I am just sharing.

Yet too I understand that when one is in the midsts of forests of energies such as you have shared is your place of existence today, it is not always easy to sit patiently for what is next to come. Actually I think it is hardest when we are on the precipice of leaping into flight. For when we hear the cry of Brother Hawk calling us to follow, and we feel the first stirrings of wind beneath our wings, we long to soar free onto the next mountain top. Waiting for the full breath of the rush of the updraft of wind to carry us into the realm of new life is where impatience is born. Yet it is not an impatience that colors our life in negativity. It is impatience born of anticipation and excitement of the new that stirs within our very soul. It is this glorious surge of Divine Creative Energy that when we harness it, control it, manipulate it and pass it through, in controlled ways, the vortexes of our Chakras and the Center of our Mother Earth and the Void of Creation, that we lift it into ever higher frequencies of charged power. It is from there, these advanced realms, that we take control of our Divine Destiny. It is this we use to become the true Co-Creators of our own Reality in conjunction with the All That Is...... the I AM that I AM

Sorry if I seemed to ramble. I just wanted to share with you all the energies of this Glorious Day we have Created.
Essence Ka tha'ras
Essence Ka tha'ras

Number of posts : 20
Location : Deep East Texas
Hobbies : Gardening, Reading, Writing and so much it would be too time consuming to post.
Tell us about yourself : I AM a writer, a poet, a wife, a homeschool mom, a friend, a Spiritual Growth Guide and Teacher, a Numerologist, a Tarot Card Reader and an Energy Reader, and a Spiritual Student. I am an Aromatherapist, I work with Colour and Sound, and Energy in All its Forms. I am an Awakened and Enlightened Star Being, a Lightworker specializing in Energy work. I AM this and much more...
Appreciation Points : 22
Registration date : 2009-10-13

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by WhiteShaman October 16th 2009, 5:07 pm

Awesome Essence and exactly how I feel.
Impatient but in a positive way!
Thank you!
Have a great weekend!

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
Hobbies : Art, Nature, Volunteer work
Appreciation Points : 543
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Serenity - Dawn October 16th 2009, 8:13 pm

Wow, Essence!

That was well said...

It seems I've completely mis-understood the question. lol! Good Post

Well the week end is here!! Atleast now I can rest and relax... Yaaay!!!
Serenity - Dawn
Serenity - Dawn

Number of posts : 284
Age : 57
Location : Canada
Hobbies : I love astral travelling...
Tell us about yourself : I love animals, and nature. I believe we all come from the same Divine Sacred Source, and we are all entwined as one, with the universe.
Appreciation Points : 307
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by d-knots October 16th 2009, 8:48 pm

E that was an interesting and somehow understood trip
I was soaring
to bad you stopped...LOL
it was short ramble...

Shaman, I believe if you just live life as you dare
events will present themselves where you will grow
and develop .... it's not over
it just might be a quiet time
or the time to research...

Some folks believe
they are journeying to perfect their soul
living here on Earth, in a heaven/hell or just hell, only
to return to Heaven, or Home, having experienced for
God as one of his/her children or creations.... a representative of God.
Also, some folks choose a short life and some a longer one....

not sure if I explained that correctly but that's the jist of it
Sylvia Browne explains it a tad better than I ....LOL

Did you ever read any of her books?


Number of posts : 760
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Registration date : 2008-12-16

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Spirit-Being October 17th 2009, 12:01 am

I have went through this exact thing feeling like a rubber band. There are moments when i feel this spiritual ecstasy, which i like to call flying/floating then of course there are moments when i feel extremely grounded with no Spiritual thought or feeling, this is very difficult for me to deal with. I am more comfortable in a Spiritual mindset. I am not sure if this is what you are going through WhiteShaman i am just sharing some things that i go through. Now i will say at the moment i have been struggling of course i have been ill and i have lost track of my own Spiritual Nature, i do hope i will be able to get back to the real me. I remember a quote that i read some time ago it said:

"Be in the world not of the world"

To me this means be myself the true self not of society, i added society only for the sake of i see so much repetition many things that lead in many directions of evolution. We know deep inside who we truly are that is what we must let out, just as you said about the Light House

WhiteShaman wrote:What good is a lighthouse spot light unless it shines on the lost boats?

This was perfectly stated we must Let that Light shine Always

I know i learned a great deal tonight just from this one post, i know what i must do i just hope i will remember tomorrow.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
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Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Essence Ka tha'ras October 17th 2009, 12:42 am

Serenity - Dawn wrote:Wow, Essence!

That was well said...

It seems I've completely mis-understood the question. lol! Good Post

Well the week end is here!! Atleast now I can rest and relax... Yaaay!!!

Greetings Sweet Sister Serenity-Dawn,

I must say, I don't feel you misunderstood the question at all. Your beautiful words of inspiration and comfort to WhiteShaman were:
"1. Is that the most important thing we do here, is teach others what we know!! This is how the human species actually evolves, & becomes more spiritual -- because there are elders, & teachers that are willing to share their knowledge..

2. Have you tried just asking the Universe, or God depending on your views -- Ask what your big purpose is? Then quietly meditate on this question.. You might have some kind of vision, or an answer some other way... God/Universe always provides for us..."

I think at the very most we just saw the image from different perspectives. But then if you think about it, how could it be otherwise?

And then you shared these beautiful words of hope:
"And I hope that when we are all awake, we will still....... never stop learning..."

How was it WhiteShaman put that?

"eternally evolving"

I agree..... I believe this, our world, our 3D Illusional Reality, our Universe... is but one flake of star dust in a Cosmos that is beyond what we can even begin to imagine.

You have a Glorious Wonder-filled weekend....... flower
Essence Ka tha'ras
Essence Ka tha'ras

Number of posts : 20
Location : Deep East Texas
Hobbies : Gardening, Reading, Writing and so much it would be too time consuming to post.
Tell us about yourself : I AM a writer, a poet, a wife, a homeschool mom, a friend, a Spiritual Growth Guide and Teacher, a Numerologist, a Tarot Card Reader and an Energy Reader, and a Spiritual Student. I am an Aromatherapist, I work with Colour and Sound, and Energy in All its Forms. I am an Awakened and Enlightened Star Being, a Lightworker specializing in Energy work. I AM this and much more...
Appreciation Points : 22
Registration date : 2009-10-13

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by WhiteShaman October 17th 2009, 9:17 am

This is from a prophecy I was led to last night by Stalking Wolf.
It speaks directly to me and to the spirit of my post here:
I warn you, the prophecy is disturbing!


"Tom asked, "But how will I know what to teach, where to go, and who to reach with this teaching?"

"The way and the means will be made manifest through Vision and from direction of the world of the spirit," Grandfather said, "so make no concern about these things, for to a person living beyond spiritual selfishness the way will become clear. Thus if a person is attuned to the world of the spirit, the world of Vision, and working beyond his -- or herself, then the path and time to act becomes clear."

"Until then, allow the spirit of the Earth and the Creator to teach, and the Vision Quest to guide, and all else will become reality."

"In these desperate times, when the Earth is dying, there can be no rest, no running away, for each of us in our own way must work to change the probable future of mankind."

"For if modern man destroys himself, and we are personally responsible, then we are destroyed also. Each then is accountable for the future."

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
Hobbies : Art, Nature, Volunteer work
Appreciation Points : 543
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Serenity - Dawn October 17th 2009, 9:19 am

Essence wrote:
Greetings Sweet Sister Serenity-Dawn,

I must say, I don't feel you misunderstood the question at all.

Aw..... Thank you Essence! You have made me smile today...
Serenity - Dawn
Serenity - Dawn

Number of posts : 284
Age : 57
Location : Canada
Hobbies : I love astral travelling...
Tell us about yourself : I love animals, and nature. I believe we all come from the same Divine Sacred Source, and we are all entwined as one, with the universe.
Appreciation Points : 307
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Essence Ka tha'ras October 17th 2009, 11:41 am

Greetings All,
Thank you for sharing the story of that amazing vision.
I will share with you what stood out in it for me personally.

"The spirit warrior spoke to Grandfather, saying, 'These are the things yet to come that will mark the destruction of man.

These things you may never see, but you must work to stop them and pass these warnings on to your grandchildren. They are the possible futures of what will come if man does not come back to the Earth and begin to obey the laws of Creation and the Creator."

"As I have told you, man must work not only for his spiritual enlightenment but also for the spiritual enlightenment of all mankind. For to run and hide, to think only of oneself and not to have love and compassion for all of man, is to deny part of self."

"Man is part of the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, and when one part of that spirit is sick, then all are sick; and when one part of that spirit dies, then part of self dies."

What I am sharing is my perspective.

We are not all here to do the exact same work in the unfoldment of what is to come within the Awakenment of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity in the Third Dimensional Realms of Reality.
Although as Awakening and Awakened Beings we all desire the same outcome, which is the Awakenment, Enlightenment and Advancement of the Whole, or the One if you prefer, we each have very specific work to do to mold, transform and create this "New World" and/or "Golden Age", (or whatever other term you choose to attach to the desired outcome of peace, love and abundance for all we aspire to)

If I am not mistaken, it is/was your desire to know exactly what your individual work is that created within you a sense of impatience that began this whole conversation......

For me the two quotes from the excerpt touch on what I feel to be held within my truth. Without getting too deep into some philosophical concepts, I will state that what I am talking about is the knowledge that there are an infinite number of possible and/or probable futures. Where, and which one of these possible futures we direct our thoughts and energy into is the one/s we will manifest into "physical" form for ourselves individually as well as collectively. (Just for the record, I don't believe it is necessarily only one future that will be made manifest.)

Just as you can not bake a delicious loaf of homemade bread without all of the ingredients, mixing them properly, and allowing appropriate "time" for all of the different stages of rising, (growth), so too can this be said of the "Future/s" we aspire to create as a collective.


That is what I wanted to share today on this subject with everyone. I hope you all have an amazing weekend.

Essence Ka tha'ras
Essence Ka tha'ras

Number of posts : 20
Location : Deep East Texas
Hobbies : Gardening, Reading, Writing and so much it would be too time consuming to post.
Tell us about yourself : I AM a writer, a poet, a wife, a homeschool mom, a friend, a Spiritual Growth Guide and Teacher, a Numerologist, a Tarot Card Reader and an Energy Reader, and a Spiritual Student. I am an Aromatherapist, I work with Colour and Sound, and Energy in All its Forms. I am an Awakened and Enlightened Star Being, a Lightworker specializing in Energy work. I AM this and much more...
Appreciation Points : 22
Registration date : 2009-10-13

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by Vanilla2 October 17th 2009, 12:19 pm

Whiteshaman, hoping this will help in lifting your spirit today......................

Patiently Waiting! Whiteshaman5
Patiently Waiting! Whiteshaman6

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Registration date : 2009-08-18

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by dshroom October 17th 2009, 3:27 pm

Spirit-Being wrote:I have went through this exact thing feeling like a rubber band. There are moments when i feel this spiritual ecstasy, which i like to call flying/floating then of course there are moments when i feel extremely grounded with no Spiritual thought or feeling, this is very difficult for me to deal with. I am more comfortable in a Spiritual mindset. I am not sure if this is what you are going through WhiteShaman i am just sharing some things that i go through. Now i will say at the moment i have been struggling of course i have been ill and i have lost track of my own Spiritual Nature, i do hope i will be able to get back to the real me. I remember a quote that i read some time ago it said:

"Be in the world not of the world"

To me this means be myself the true self not of society, i added society only for the sake of i see so much repetition many things that lead in many directions of evolution. We know deep inside who we truly are that is what we must let out, just as you said about the Light House

WhiteShaman wrote:What good is a lighthouse spot light unless it shines on the lost boats?

This was perfectly stated we must Let that Light shine Always

I know i learned a great deal tonight just from this one post, i know what i must do i just hope i will remember tomorrow.

Many Blessings

in a trance state i was once asked to imagine a sterophonic fader and choose a number. of course i chose 10 (the ultimate) and the trance man let me know that was not what he had in mind. sometimes things we feel the ultimate and sometimes not. i don't buy it. the trick is to always put your intention at 10 and ignore the other stuff.

Number of posts : 11
Appreciation Points : 21
Registration date : 2009-10-16

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by canadianmind October 17th 2009, 5:38 pm

Before a few months ago, i felt the same way. Like you know you have all these ideas, and all this energy, but theres no one to watch you see them through. Or like I thought ive learned everything that i could ( which i know is impossible and a very concieded thing to say now). But the last couple months i feel like ive taken not just a step, but a leap forward.

At this moment i feel the same too in a way. Ive come pretty far for my age, as well for the time i have been "soul searching", in such a sort time ive kind of hit a plateau. The only thing that keeps me going is the never ending information on the internet, and I keep thinking, and knowing that there will ever be a time when we know everything.

It almost seems like when you hit the wall like that is when you learn the most. Impatience happens when your waiting for something. But you wouldnt be waiting unless you were ready for it right?? Arent the best things in life thoughs that we dont expect rather then what we know when and where it will happen??

Serenity-dawn makes 2 very good points. Mabey its time for you to start teaching what you have learned. Some of the questions that come up that your " students " will ask will put a new view on things. And she makes a good point about asking higher up. Mabey its as simple as not asking the right questions??? Are there any questions you dont want to ask becasue your are afraid of the answers???

Conneticut has some gorgous places to be in nature. It might be time to do some fall camping before it gets cold. THe silence of the forest should help, same with the reflection of yourself in the clear water.

it might be also time to get back into some old hobbies, or refresh some of your current ones. I find playing my guitar ( but any instrument will do) works. Or drawing, basicaly anything creative. Nature is very creative, and so are we. Gardening or having house plants I find works very well. THinking about the connections between us and the plants, Watching them react to their enviroment and your love and attenton.

Mabey, if your like me and you reasearch, or read alot, it might be time to take a break. According to the bible even god rested one day. There is such thing as an information overload,

Personaly, one of my main problems is i get sick of the same routine everyday over and over. I then long for change, and become somewhat of a recluse.

This is a time of universal change, and therefore change for us too. THe world is changing, we all feel it. OUr bodies and emotions reflect the "feelings" of the planet and the universe. So right now many people are becomeing confused, or at a loss on where to go next becasue the earths future at this point is uncertain.

From what ive read in your answers, and in your posts WHiteshaman, is that you are definetly prepared fo whats going to happen. Your a very enlgihtened person and shouldnt be worried about what to learn next or where to go, you already know, and its already happening right now.

If you like, I can send you a book. Its about "spellcasting and wicca", but from what ive read so far it has many good lessons. Spellcasting has more in common with karma and prayer then it does with potions and stuff commiing out of a wand. It actually seems like a thread on here more then a book.

There is also the movie esoteric agenda i have mentioned. Or if you go on youtube, there are movies my a guy named gregg braden. His movies are inspiring, and very interesting. He explains the connection with our emotions and the universe. Very deep stuff.

Or what I do when i need to think, I throw on "darkside of the moon" album by pink floyd, and really listin to what they are saying. That album has so many lessons buried inside its words and music. Ive been listining to that album everyday for atleast 8 years, and it never ceases to amaze me how I feel after, and how much it gets me thinking.

I hope this helps! Seize the day, live everyday like its your last, and remember youll never quench your thirst for knowlege.

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by WhiteShaman October 17th 2009, 7:50 pm

Lots to think about my friends...thank you for sharing and caring!
It's all good!
Peace and Blessings,

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
Hobbies : Art, Nature, Volunteer work
Appreciation Points : 543
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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Patiently Waiting! Empty Re: Patiently Waiting!

Post by WhiteShaman October 17th 2009, 8:30 pm

Essence Ka tha'ras wrote:Greetings All,
Thank you for sharing the story of that amazing vision.
I will share with you what stood out in it for me personally.

"The spirit warrior spoke to Grandfather, saying, 'These are the things yet to come that will mark the destruction of man.

These things you may never see, but you must work to stop them and pass these warnings on to your grandchildren. They are the possible futures of what will come if man does not come back to the Earth and begin to obey the laws of Creation and the Creator."

"As I have told you, man must work not only for his spiritual enlightenment but also for the spiritual enlightenment of all mankind. For to run and hide, to think only of oneself and not to have love and compassion for all of man, is to deny part of self."

"Man is part of the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, and when one part of that spirit is sick, then all are sick; and when one part of that spirit dies, then part of self dies."

What I am sharing is my perspective.

We are not all here to do the exact same work in the unfoldment of what is to come within the Awakenment of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity in the Third Dimensional Realms of Reality.
Although as Awakening and Awakened Beings we all desire the same outcome, which is the Awakenment, Enlightenment and Advancement of the Whole, or the One if you prefer, we each have very specific work to do to mold, transform and create this "New World" and/or "Golden Age", (or whatever other term you choose to attach to the desired outcome of peace, love and abundance for all we aspire to)

If I am not mistaken, it is/was your desire to know exactly what your individual work is that created within you a sense of impatience that began this whole conversation......

For me the two quotes from the excerpt touch on what I feel to be held within my truth. Without getting too deep into some philosophical concepts, I will state that what I am talking about is the knowledge that there are an infinite number of possible and/or probable futures. Where, and which one of these possible futures we direct our thoughts and energy into is the one/s we will manifest into "physical" form for ourselves individually as well as collectively. (Just for the record, I don't believe it is necessarily only one future that will be made manifest.)

Just as you can not bake a delicious loaf of homemade bread without all of the ingredients, mixing them properly, and allowing appropriate "time" for all of the different stages of rising, (growth), so too can this be said of the "Future/s" we aspire to create as a collective.


That is what I wanted to share today on this subject with everyone. I hope you all have an amazing weekend.

Dear Essence,
Your words as in the words of the prophecy both speak something that everyone should note and that is as you alluded to....WE CO-CREATE OUR FUTURE!!
As alarming as the prophecy was...there was good news in it and that was it.
What got me as it related to my post is it spoke of how we will each know what to do when the time is right.
Your words that we all may have different things to do to acheive the same outcome is wise indeed.
Thank you and once again thank you all for your wisdom and sharing!
Thank You

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
Hobbies : Art, Nature, Volunteer work
Appreciation Points : 543
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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