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Thought For The Day..

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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by Guest April 14th 2013, 12:02 pm


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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by sunmystic April 14th 2013, 1:44 pm

ATouchofHeart wrote:(((((John))))) I agree with Elrick and I ditto what he posted in the first few lines.

Your post John was from your ((((Heart))))) and you allowed your heart to open to others. I think that is your first step.

I have not shared your childhood experiences. But will share some of mine.


Elrick's poem (which was very well done) was another way of expressing purpose of Psalm 23. And a
"Spirits Journeys refuge" is an interesting concept. I can conceive the concept intellectually but I can not conceive the concept emotionally.

* I think you did John

Intellectually : Rational (mental capacity)
Emotionally: demonstrations of affection
Affection: or fondness is a "disposition or rare state of mind or body" that is often associated with a feeling or type of love.

* It took the essence of your heart (that caused emotion) to share what you have felt deep inside for a long time.

* I've always believed that you cannot know positive until you have experienced negative.

* As lessons in life that I believe wholeheartedly; one chooses to come to earth with soul groups to teach each other lessons to perfect the soul. "Your Soul's Plan", "Your Soul's Gift" by Robert Schwartz.

* Once one knows the difference one has free will to accept or reject the experience.

* I also believe that even though we have had a trying past that has testing our soul on many levels it is our divine path to truly forgive anyone who has hurt us or caused us grief or lack of love.

* I have no idea if you are married or not so let me address this to a Jack.
Does Jack have any thoughts as to what lesson that childhood experience may have gifted him in this life?

Does Jack have a loving wife now that loves him unconditionally? Maybe Jack would not have loved her as much if he had not experienced lack of love early in life....life preparing for the future.

If one as a child has never truly felt loved, then one can never truly understand love. If one as a child has never truly felt safe, then one can never truly understand what it means to feel safe.

*It's also my belief that deep within ourselves we all know love. It is our goal to recognize it again. Remember we all come from LOVE in spirit. We are just here with erased memories of that LOVE and it is our path to find it again.

* I have to find it again myself John; I lost it when my spouse died. I’ve been single for 13 years. In 2009 James Van Praagh in my group reading he gave me said "your husband says you will marry again" NO NO NO! I said. "Yes,Yes,Yes" James said "and within five years" "Your husband wants you to know that he loves you very much, he was not able to emot that to you when he was alive, do you understand". Yes I said to James. But I knew he loved me (I should share that 20 min reading with you all......interested? It's a 17 page word doc so it will take up a lot of KB here) Wink

* Personally...I had a ton of love growing up. I was adopted at 3 days old. By parents who could not have children. They tried for 9 years to adopt and were turned down for being the wrong religion, wrong nationality, and too old. Then one day....at a Dr's office they discovered that the a woman who cleaned for the Dr. was pregnant and wanted to give her child up for adoption..... ME!! Finally they would have the child they dreamed of..... I have never thought of this before....but as I'm writing this I wonder why it took so long for me to decide to come into their lives.....maybe they had to go through the rejections as a lesson in life. But that’s another book.

My mother "in spirit" is a healer; she brought me through a double flat-line.

A Spirits Journeys refuge is a place to feel loved or safe or both at the same time, but if one has never been loved as a child or ever allowed to feel safe as a child, then a Spirits Journeys refuge that is a place of love and safety is impossible to truly conceive in an emotional sense.

* I believe it is

I was protected but never truly loved and I was protected but never allowed to feel truly safe. I have never been able to find a Spirits Journeys refuge, the best I have been able to do is to find a place that is out of the wind. I can understand the part of Psalm that says, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil." But the rest of Psalm 23 is beyond my comprehension. The reason for this is that it creates a feeling of safe and I have never felt safe. Guys, I have come to the conclusion that I am a handicapped person Smile and what is funny is that I never knew that I was handicapped.

* I wouldn't call yourself handicapped. You like others are a wondrous soul on a journey to enlightenment; to remembering who you are as a soul (and maybe you're there already) and to treasure each lesson as a positive stepping stone to the next chapter within your book of life. Every detail is etched in stone so to speak.....in that Akashic Hall of Records on the other side. Every word, every feeling, every emotion, every pain, every experience that you have seen, heard, felt, smelled and tasted. To name a few. And who knows Elrick could very well be your soul partner here to help you remember................Maybe you have not reached that knowing yet.

The question, now that I know that I am handicapped, is, "Can I overcome my handicap in this life or do I have to wait and reincarnate into a loving family in my next life?"

* That would be up to you John, only you control your destiny. I believe it our goal coming here to perfect our soul's in each lifetime and I'm sure we get a lot accomplished but I feel we also have many lifetimes to get it right.

In all of my incarnations I have never had the loving family experience or have ever felt safe and I never realized that this was handicapping me. sunmystic

* How are you aware that it was in all of your incarnations? Have your guides told you? Or a Medium? Do you know how many lives have you had (((((John)))))

I asked a medium once how many lives I've had and she said....."That would take a long time to explain" she replied. In thirty minutes she gave me a whole list; fifteen I believe.

* This post is just my personal opinion.
John, I think you are very warm hearted, kind, loving, caring and experience love in many different ways. And I don't even know you; but I can feel you in the short time I've been here.

* "Spirits Journeys refuge"
I think it's a great place to share and learn.
Personally I feel much LOVE on this forum; in many different ways. I also think it is a safe place.

I pray that you realize Love in this life (((((John))))

First of all Deb, you are an example of one of those kind of folks that I would like to be Smile ! I understand what you have posted and becoming a living example of what you have posted and what you are is my goal. I was born with my gifts and they are not a result of my childhood programming. I have spent my whole life unlearning what was originally my childhood programming. And I have always incarnated into these kind of situations because I did not know any better. My wife of 26 years (she has two children and I have none) is a salt of the earth type person. She is not complicated, she is no nonsense, she is, "Things are the way they are and just "getter done."" I had to learn how to give "loving hugs" because my wife likes "loving hugs" and they make her happy. My wife loves me very much but it is not unconditional Smile and her wrath once invoked is forever, she never forgets or forgives. Ever. I am (and her kids are) careful that I do not upset her. Sometimes it is like walking on egg shells Smile . She is a good person, spoils her kids and me, and will do anything for anybody until they upset her. In my first lifetime/incarnation I was genetically designed for "Pathos" and "War". From that time on I have always incarnated into life situations that fit those genetics. I have kicked a lot of tush and I have had my tush kicked Smile , but because of my gifts I have always been pretty good at pathos and war and I enjoyed the conflict and challenge. Nothing is real, it is all a game and the fun is in the game. Ever since Mia did a healing on me (which I did not think was possible and laughed at the thought of it Smile ) I have discovered that there is a whole new and different reality out there that I have never experienced. And that there is not any negativity or war in that reality. Basically it is a reality that is based on non conditional love, compassion, and going with the "flow" and fear does not exist in that reality. It is hard for me to stay in that reality because it is so foreign to everything that I know and have experienced that is in my soul record and genetic and childhood programming. A reality without battle and without negative emotion, "Who knew!?" My wife loves things because they are hers and I love things because they are mine. Deb you come from a heritage where nothing is owned, everything is on loan as a gift from the "Great spirit". I do not come from that kind of heritage and my childhood programing would never be capable of understanding it. Now that I have experienced this new place, for lack of any other term, I can get a feel for understanding it now. It is still a foreign concept though even though I have experienced it and now know that it is a real reality. Like Julie says Smile , "Forgive me for my rambling." Love, John

Number of posts : 944
Age : 74
Location : pacific nothwest, USA
Hobbies : none
Tell us about yourself : I love the loving Divine
Appreciation Points : 1034
Registration date : 2010-12-04

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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by Aussiepom April 14th 2013, 2:21 pm

skfarblum wrote: Praise

Praise You should be taking a bow,Stephen.....not often I give out praise,as you know too well.... lol!

Joan cheers

Number of posts : 818
Age : 90
Location : Cambridgeshire UK
Hobbies : Reading,swimming and Spiritualism
Tell us about yourself : Widowed 6 years ago.
Appreciation Points : 891
Registration date : 2012-02-21

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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by ATouchofHeart April 14th 2013, 4:47 pm

Joan, check your PM.........

Number of posts : 808
Age : 69
Location : Southern, California on a Indian Reservation. Search for truth in Spirituality.
Hobbies : Everything Spiritual, Machine Embroidery, Quilting, Writing Poetry, Computer and creative software, Writing, Artwork.....never bored.
Tell us about yourself : I’m a widow; I lost my spouse April 16, 1999 to a broken heart and Cancer. He was a Native American. I have lived on his Reservation in California for 37 years. We were married 23 years. We had two children, lost one to a drunk driver in 97 before my spouse died. I started my spiritual journey when son passed; but woke up to spirituality abruptly June 2009 when I had an event reading by James Van Praagh and he brought through eight deceased relatives. I would love to be a medium in the future, and share that spiritual connection with those who have lost. I take photos of spirits in clouds. One of my favorite spirit photographs at night is an apparition of a Native American Male.
Appreciation Points : 972
Registration date : 2013-02-18

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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by Aussiepom April 14th 2013, 6:02 pm

ATouchofHeart wrote:Joan, check your PM.........

Found it,Deb.......answered it. Nice surprise.... Very Happy

Joan x

Number of posts : 818
Age : 90
Location : Cambridgeshire UK
Hobbies : Reading,swimming and Spiritualism
Tell us about yourself : Widowed 6 years ago.
Appreciation Points : 891
Registration date : 2012-02-21

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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by ATouchofHeart April 14th 2013, 10:25 pm

Aussiepom wrote:
ATouchofHeart wrote:Joan, check your PM.........

Found it,Deb.......answered it. Nice surprise.... Very Happy

Joan x


Number of posts : 808
Age : 69
Location : Southern, California on a Indian Reservation. Search for truth in Spirituality.
Hobbies : Everything Spiritual, Machine Embroidery, Quilting, Writing Poetry, Computer and creative software, Writing, Artwork.....never bored.
Tell us about yourself : I’m a widow; I lost my spouse April 16, 1999 to a broken heart and Cancer. He was a Native American. I have lived on his Reservation in California for 37 years. We were married 23 years. We had two children, lost one to a drunk driver in 97 before my spouse died. I started my spiritual journey when son passed; but woke up to spirituality abruptly June 2009 when I had an event reading by James Van Praagh and he brought through eight deceased relatives. I would love to be a medium in the future, and share that spiritual connection with those who have lost. I take photos of spirits in clouds. One of my favorite spirit photographs at night is an apparition of a Native American Male.
Appreciation Points : 972
Registration date : 2013-02-18

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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by Elrick April 15th 2013, 10:32 am


Elrick's poem (which was very well done) was another way of expressing purpose of Psalm 23. And a "Spirits Journeys refuge" is an interesting concept. I can conceive the concept intellectually but I can not conceive the concept emotionally. If one as a child has never truly felt loved, then one can never truly understand love. If one as a child has never truly felt safe, then one can never truly understand what it means to feel safe.

Sometimes I wonder what our faces did look like before our parents gave us theirs….


What I seem to be Elrick is a very nasty demon that is attempting to explore and enter into a completely foreign and completely new reality and state of being.

Embracing our Demons would imply developing our psychological flexibility, diffusion, acceptance, contact with the present moment, the observing self, values and committed action against a background of suffering, experiential avoidance and emotional control. In other words: self acceptance. You excel on those processes John.


Be well

Number of posts : 120
Location : The Edge of the Abyss
Appreciation Points : 197
Registration date : 2010-04-15

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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by sunmystic April 15th 2013, 1:15 pm

Elrick wrote:

Elrick's poem (which was very well done) was another way of expressing purpose of Psalm 23. And a "Spirits Journeys refuge" is an interesting concept. I can conceive the concept intellectually but I can not conceive the concept emotionally. If one as a child has never truly felt loved, then one can never truly understand love. If one as a child has never truly felt safe, then one can never truly understand what it means to feel safe.

Sometimes I wonder what our faces did look like before our parents gave us theirs….


What I seem to be Elrick is a very nasty demon that is attempting to explore and enter into a completely foreign and completely new reality and state of being.

Embracing our Demons would imply developing our psychological flexibility, diffusion, acceptance, contact with the present moment, the observing self, values and committed action against a background of suffering, experiential avoidance and emotional control. In other words: self acceptance. You excel on those processes John.


Be well

Walking the memories of strife.
the glories of battles won and lost.
Immersed in the forces of life,
saddled with the results of cost.

It is my wars I won and lost fair,
walking the forces of life.
The collateral damage was there,
but unnoticed to the tune of drums and fife.

Sad and happy,
the times that went by.
Steps smart and snappy,
with never the question why.

It was ment to be,
with no other reason.
Only the glory to see,
this continuous season.~sunmystic

Thank you Elrick, my heart goes out to anyone who chooses to, or is forced to, walk the painful paths of self understanding. Paths that you Elrick understand. Love, john

Number of posts : 944
Age : 74
Location : pacific nothwest, USA
Hobbies : none
Tell us about yourself : I love the loving Divine
Appreciation Points : 1034
Registration date : 2010-12-04

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Thought For The Day.. - Page 7 Empty Re: Thought For The Day..

Post by Guest April 15th 2013, 10:50 pm

Dear John and Elrick,
Lovely sentiments.Thanks

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