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spirit trying to take over my body.

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spirit trying to take over my body. Empty spirit trying to take over my body.

Post by chrissy February 17th 2009, 1:37 pm

around the time when i was like 17 years old, my friends and i would play around with the ouija board and joke with it sayin ha ha we want to get posessed.. and after that i am not sure how long after i was begining to wake up every night at 3am... it was scary i was sleeping down stairs on the couch bed with my mother because we had a fire in our house and i was scared to sleep upstairs.. one night i remember waking up i was actually being held down from behind the couch by something i couldnt talk or get up i was literally unable to do anything i looked at my mom tried to say help but nothing came out then i dont remember what happened a few moments later i was let free from whatever was holding me down... i was totally freaked out i woke up my mother and i went to the bathroom i noticed razor sharp scratches down my neck and i have no finger nails. because i bite them so it was just wierd and unexplainable. then we called the warrens i think the next day or a few days later... they said to burn the oijia bored and bury it far from the house i never did do that my brother would throw it in the trash and it would appear in his closet again..... one night my mother called her friend rosie and was telling her what had happened and rosie was asking her son what to say if a spirit is in the room and while he was telling his mother and rosie was trying to tell my mom over the phone all her nick nacks were falling off the shelf it didnt want my mother to get the message.. i was able to get the message and i began sleeping with a bible next to my head.... the warrens say spirits try to take over a living souls body which is what happened to me.. the warrens also say they have pictures of similar people that had scratch marks in different patterns down thier face and neck... this is so true and i cant believe it happened to me if i tell people they dont believe this story but i know it happened and that is all that matters... thanks for listening... i do believe in ghosts and hauntings... thanks again chrissy

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spirit trying to take over my body. Empty Re: spirit trying to take over my body.

Post by parrotlover100 February 19th 2009, 12:00 pm

That was a very profound thing to happen to you.I have a feeling that taking the Bible and sleeping with it was the right thing to do. Just like holding a HOLY CROSS up sends evil spirits away.By sleeping with your bible and saying a prayer also kept the evil entity at bay and it didnt return.May god bless you and hold you in his loving embrass Very Happy

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spirit trying to take over my body. Empty Re: spirit trying to take over my body.

Post by Spirit-Being February 19th 2009, 2:15 pm

That seems like a very frightening experience, i think you got what you asked for, we should never temp the negative forces out there. If we search in the higher realms (Divine) we can eventually find peace. One of my friends told me something that really stuck with me. "What you believe is what you receive" If we allow lower dimension entities to affect us they will. There are many cases where people have been tormented by negative entities. I say negative in the sense these people did not have a good experience from these entities it was frightening. They seek help from someone, usually a priest, pastor, or someone who has dedicated their lives to some form of Spirituality.

I did not mean to be so harsh above, all i am doing is stating what i feel. I have went through many different ways as i was growing up. This may sound very strange and i hope it is not unsettling, but in my late 20's maybe i was even 30 years old. I needed to know what demons were and why i feared them so much. I looked up all the legions of demons it was some information i found on the web. I read and alot of it made sense. It is sort of what demonologists do they study the legions of demons so as they could understand what they were up against. Now some people do not believe demons exist and this is all up to each individual. Also sometimes what we experience we automatically think the worst, maybe if you looked into why these things happened to you, you may find some answers.

From my experiences up until now i have learned to focus more on Holy things Spiritual things, this has helped me eliminate most of the fear that was attributed to these happenings, that i once experienced. Now if something strange happens to me i do not automatically assume that it is Evil or Negative, i allow my intuition to guide me.

Your experiences happened for a reason, maybe to help you along the path you are on now. Only you know this. There is nothing to fear in the spiritual world, fear can stop us from seeing the Truth.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
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Registration date : 2008-09-14

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spirit trying to take over my body. Empty Re: spirit trying to take over my body.

Post by Galatea March 12th 2009, 5:07 am


The thing with the ouiji board is most people use it out of curiosity and do not realize in doing any type of channeling/asking from other entities, you need to protect. When you start a reading or a channeling, it is very advisable that you start with an opening prayer, asking only beings of the highest good come to aide you and that your Angels/guardians surround the room with divine light (amongst other things to say). Doing this will set down the ground rules so not any ol' entity can come on in and that you'll be receiving information from the purest source.

Like an opening prayer you should also do a closing prayer. Mainly to thank the Angels/guardians who came to guide the activity and the Divine for it's assistance.

Be aware and be safe!

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spirit trying to take over my body. Empty Re: spirit trying to take over my body.

Post by Spirit-Being March 12th 2009, 7:08 pm

When i re read my post i felt i was rushing and could have given much better advice, Galatea what you wrote was so true and this is a very important thing one needs to remember, Protecting yourself whether prayer, meditation, Rosary beads, or whatever your Beliefs hold for you, will help keep negativity at bay and Bring Divine Connections.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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spirit trying to take over my body. Empty Re: spirit trying to take over my body.

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