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Seeing the Energy of trees

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Seeing the Energy of trees Empty Seeing the Energy of trees

Post by WhiteShaman September 15th 2009, 8:35 am


This is from:
and it worked for me last night far beyond what I ever imagined. The energy of the tree was all around it but also way out from it almost like the northern lights. Very cool method. Have fun with it!

Seeing Energy
I'm sitting here by a wood fire, coffee close at hand, watching the stream of birds come to the feeders. There is a Downy Woodpecker at the suet at the moment and some Red Polls and a couple of Pine Grosbeaks at the big feeder, interspersed with the odd Black Capped Chickadee doing touch and go landings and picking up one sunflower seed at a time. Less visitors today as the weather has warmed up dramatically after an unseasonable cold snap.

Energy is rising in the trees and is evidenced to me by more vibrant energy fields. I have always seen energy, and I thought I might share the basics of how to retrain yourself to "see" again. Find a big tree with vibrant energy. If you live in a northern climate like I do, at this time of year that means an evergreen. Go outside at dusk and raise your gaze a few inches above the tree. Look softly, and hold the gaze for maybe a minute or less. Then move your soft gaze to the 2 o'clock position a few inches away from the tree. Hold that for less than a minute and then raise your attention but not your eyes back to 12 o'clock. You should see a soft bluish, gray band around the branches and leaves or needles. It should be dynamic and not static. If it isn't moving you have gazed too long and created a negative image in your eye. It looks rather like heat waves rising from a pavement in the summer. What you are seeing is the energy field of the tree. It's now a simple matter to begin to see energy around everything, including your own hands. later on I'll share how to keep going with this study and begin to see colored auras. Have fun!

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Seeing the Energy of trees Empty Re: Seeing the Energy of trees

Post by Vanilla2 September 15th 2009, 8:51 am

Thank you WhiteShaman, I will try this, I do have tremendous respect for our trees, and can see the beauty in all of them :Hello:

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Seeing the Energy of trees Empty Re: Seeing the Energy of trees

Post by Wind-Dancer September 15th 2009, 9:12 am

Thank you so much for your easy to follow instructions. I can feel the energy of all that is around me, but sometimes i have trouble seeing it. I think i try to hard. I think your instructions will help me. Thanks for sharing.

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Seeing the Energy of trees Empty Re: Seeing the Energy of trees

Post by Sparrowhawk September 2nd 2010, 11:58 am


In every "thing" you see, only ONE constant.

C= the speed(energy) of Light.

Light slowed down to the point of only an appearance of "reflection".

Great is the energy coming from the trees!

I have never 'tried' to see it.

It simply appears when my own energy enters the highest nerve centers.


I do not know........

I do know this:
Sexual Energy needs to be preserved.
A submission to Divine Mind needs to be embraced........
A certain "sticking to it(persistence)" needs to be ever present within.
Shedding any "thing", belief or otherwise, which stands in the way; Your Own Way.

Then the opposites merge and Peace enters. A certain "magical feeling" enters inside and is seen outside.

It is a beautiful feeling beyond the expression of words.

Find this........

Keep re-finding(refining) it!



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Seeing the Energy of trees Empty Re: Seeing the Energy of trees

Post by sweet green ginger September 3rd 2010, 10:59 am

Hello Sparrowhawk,

In symposium,

as the trees would have it
there is no seeing of the trees
save for seeing their form

as the trees would have it
there is no seeing of the energy of trees
save for being encoffined by the tree
and living the viability of its tiresome bulk

take a long hut
pull the slatted blinds and tie the awnings
completely shut

take a small metal bowl
and put two double hands of coal
take a flying boy of chipping
to spit fire into clippings
and raise up a flaming pyre
so rotten hot with some juniper berry cracklings atop

get a skein and wash it in
acetic mixed with duck fat and soapwort
plonk them down and wind them round
forehead, underpinnings, and down where
there is rampant tendrils

bind too, all four endings of hands and feet
to keep them free from too much toasting
but use tempered skin for these, like from [weasel]
or from other [rodents]

make then two piles of slashings
from whisper/whisker wort (mistletoe?)
and brandish them over the flames
keeping them low but with splashings
of cool crisp mint filled water you have ladlings of
just close to your crossed legs
and ladle this too over your running parts
when the heat is smarting,
to pale you

and in the hut, no girls

and freeze up your nostrils
by plugging them with fungus(?)

now put all manner of thoughts behind you
leap into the glow of the pyre
with your half closed eyes and your mind

now you have it a cross-world threshold

turn your back on the dark one,
he has no initiation for you
lest if you want him to

take the song and sooth sayer
peel him back
and find why he quakes
at all manner of terrible matters

and the small graying man in the corner
toss him on the coals

in learning lessons, take heed
no one needs

they bleed yes

no one needs, no one needs
what is this strange persimmon

lack lustre not
a terminal bud in spring time

no one needs.

seeing the energy of trees, discover it, in this

- no one needs.

{caution: all processes and use of things}

sweet green ginger: Personally, I don't get it, do you Sparrowhawk?

sweet green ginger
sweet green ginger

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Seeing the Energy of trees Empty Re: Seeing the Energy of trees

Post by Sparrowhawk September 3rd 2010, 1:46 pm

Yes, I get it.........

But only because I was in IT!

"IT" being the pure formless state of consciousness......

Most call it "Death", but it is not death.....

IT is Life itself.

So, there is no tree......

Nor any shape or form at all......

Thus, no energy around the tree to be seen!

Yet, for now, in this place, form is here until we see past it and its need passes away.

In pure consciousness there is no form......

In fact, the idea of forms is completely preposterous!!

I remember briefly feeling that.......

I wanted to stay but something arose to tell me of the suffering others would feel as real if I stayed........

I chose to come back......

If you reach into that state which is within you.......

You will know that all is ONE...

because it is a state of no separation.

It is pure Beauty without the need of form.

"The universe is an illusion, albeit a persistent one." -Albert Einstein

He found this within......

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Seeing the Energy of trees Empty Re: Seeing the Energy of trees

Post by sweet green ginger September 3rd 2010, 6:04 pm

oh, I see what you are saying, and I see that it does apply.

Seeing the form,
this I found hard to write down,
I must confess.

The initial idea was to feel the bark
and then to see it in the mind
but I guess I push for modification
at times,
and so concepts become aldulterated.

Initially too, I was considering E=mc2
There is some deviation on the subject,
It is true as its applications prove it to be true.
The relationship between these variables
...I'm thinking...involves an inverse relationship,
and the equation has 'more' application if mass
is replaced by density...supposedly, perhaps....

sweet green ginger
sweet green ginger

Number of posts : 61
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Registration date : 2010-08-25

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