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symbols are not the thing

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symbols are not the thing Empty symbols are not the thing

Post by dshroom October 17th 2009, 5:00 pm

learning to listen to the song of reality is part of the process. symbols and ideas are not the thing. awareness of the truth does not create it, it exists without awareness.

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by WhiteShaman October 17th 2009, 7:52 pm

Ahhh...but symbols point to the thing and they are all around us and I am thankful!
Great post!

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by Essence Ka tha'ras October 17th 2009, 11:48 pm

WhiteShaman wrote:Ahhh...but symbols point to the thing and they are all around us and I am thankful!
Great post!


WhiteShaman, I think I will have to agree with you about this whole symbol thing.....LOL

From my perspective, symbols are simply another form of communication, another language. Symbols speak to the right brain of humans. They are the language of the sub-conscious, the intuitive. They are the "alphabet" used by BEings and Consciousness' which do not exist in the form of physicality we do as 3D humans. They are what is necessary for other forms of "Life/Consciousness" to communicate with us because we are not evolved enough yet to communicate with them at their level, and they cannot exist in the low levels of density in which we reside. Without symbols we would be cut off from communication with the rest of our Universe and many others.

Just my perspective......

Last edited by Essence Ka tha'ras on October 18th 2009, 1:19 am; edited 3 times in total
Essence Ka tha'ras
Essence Ka tha'ras

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by Essence Ka tha'ras October 17th 2009, 11:58 pm

dshroom wrote:learning to listen to the song of reality is part of the process. symbols and ideas are not the thing. awareness of the truth does not create it, it exists without awareness.

Greetings dshroom,

I have been giving your statement, the part highlighted in green, some thought. And even though I understand what you are saying at the level and place you are stating it from, I can't say I believe it holds true past a certain level of thought and energy.

Have you thought about it past the level you were speaking from? And if so, do you agree or disagree?

Essence Ka tha'ras
Essence Ka tha'ras

Number of posts : 20
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Tell us about yourself : I AM a writer, a poet, a wife, a homeschool mom, a friend, a Spiritual Growth Guide and Teacher, a Numerologist, a Tarot Card Reader and an Energy Reader, and a Spiritual Student. I am an Aromatherapist, I work with Colour and Sound, and Energy in All its Forms. I am an Awakened and Enlightened Star Being, a Lightworker specializing in Energy work. I AM this and much more...
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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by dshroom October 18th 2009, 8:38 am

what i am speaking of is the awareness of oneness and the awareness of G_D's love. i encounter many human beings who are scornful of the very notion of G_D and oneness much less that the essence of reality is created from love. i have been referred to as delusional and crazy (Relax,I am neither). the reason this time was the notion that now is forever and thus too life. if now is forever what part of life is not included?

i also understand that many, most really, human beings do not have a sense of G_D's love or of the essential oneness entailed in that idea. and they use symbolic structures to refute the possibility of such a thing. but that is not enough usually. humans create elaborate psychological models of past and future that they project onto reality and proclaim are real. when confronted with the idea that all there is is now it is so foreign to the symbolic rationalization of their psychological state that they refer to the other as delusional, or worse, heretical, and burn her. because, if all there is is G_D's love then evil does not exist and they know evil exists because they experience it.

and i say that all there is is G_D's love and that evil is just a psychological construct derived from the often stark nature of that love and that this is true and that awareness of the truth has no bearing on its essense.

now, of course, this is all delivered in english using a latin based alphabet. some say it is easier to explain this in Hebrew. but what do i know.

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by canadianmind October 18th 2009, 4:10 pm

Ive always thought that symbols/symbolism was created to make "god" more tangible and understandable. We humans had an idea of what god is, but we probably couldt put it into words, so they created symbols to make it easier to understand.

Did you know pretty much every symbol/insignea around these days are dirived by religios symbols? Or that most religios symbols are all derived from wiccan/pegan/occult symbols? Did you notice that every single counties militaries, and country all share they symbols? Dont you find it odd that americans use the same animal to represent themselves ( the eagle)?

Symbolism has become such a secretive but blatent thing its almost scary. Buisnesess and people know how symbols and colours effect me and you. The swastika is a symbol for the sun, and light and love, but when most people see it, they think of death and nazis. Mabey now its time to totaly move away from symbols? Mabey now we dont really need them anymore.

Im not against symbols in any way. I have tattoos. I have a dragon, and im going to be getting the elemental symbols ( square, tetrahedran etc) and mabey the flower or fruit of life). I just think that lots of people dont think of the history of the symbols.

One thing ive been thinking latley, is about heaven/hell, good/evil, light/dark, etc. Is it really meant to be only good and not bad? Im pretty sure its fair to say that there is no such thing as perfection in nature ( although nature in many ways IS perfect). If it was perfect there would be no need for evolution. There would be no need to advance. I think that Life is about balance. We must walk that fine line between ligth and dark. The universe has taught us time and time again that under the calmness of the universe is a very eratic and chaotic world. I think its the same as keeping your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds as White Shaman said to me once. And the scary thing is..... If there really was a hell beneth us, and the heavens above us, then wouldnt the world be the place where the 2 meet? Ma\bey the world is a more perfect place after all.

Wiccans belive that for every "spell" ( prayer, cry for help to the gods etc) you do, it is returned to you threefold. And the power and effectiveness of that spell is based on your intent. So if you did a spell to give you money that you dont really need, the odds are that your gonna be 3 times as poor as you were to begin with. This also works with giving healing and positive energies into the cosmos. If you say, prayed everynight for world peace and happines, or for a family member to get financial help, when you really need it, or when you ask for it, youll more then likley get whats comming to you, becasue youve basicaly made a universal deposit. The world and univesal laws seem to be on a fine grey line, right in the middle.

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by dshroom October 18th 2009, 4:33 pm

symbols are surely how we communicate but what i am saying is that the word bird or a picture of a bird is not a bird. thus speaking of truth or denying or affirming it is not the thing itself. the thing is known regardless of our understanding or symbolic representation.

as to perfection, almost everyone i meet thinks that perfection, if possible, is a nice goal.

what i speak of is the realization of perfection. this realization has no boundaries and cannot be known in its entirety but, having said that, all i see is goodness. i think the purpose of creation is to be and do good. but i am a fanatic. i think that we were created by perfection and that it is and always has been available to us if we look for it. crazy, i know. but i make a decent living and my kids are self sufficient which, in and of its self, defines perfection as far as i am concerned.

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by canadianmind October 18th 2009, 5:57 pm

I guess there are more then one way too look at perfection. Theres your own personal perfection, and perfection as a whole. I guess we all have our own personal way to look at whats perfect. Mabey thats why it seems so unattainable, because there are so many types of it

I totaly agree with you when you say that creation is to be good and create good things. Theres nothing fanatical about it. I just think that perfection isnt about good or bad, its that magical grey area in between that is balance, ying and yang, male and female if you will. I think that the only thing that should be concidered perfect is the spiritual web that connects us all ( god ), and I too agree that the perfection of creation is available to us. Basicaly a massive collection of the earth history, and the universal knowlege.

You should never think your crazy about what you think is right. And I must say, if any parent can make some cash and taise decent children in this day and age its perfection and a miricle in itself. If i disrespected you in any way i appologize. I actually agree with what you say! Very Happy

This is a good post, keep up the good work!!


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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by WhiteShaman October 19th 2009, 7:52 am

Great dialog all but I think I need to elaborate on what exactly I mean when I say “symbols”.
Everything you see..the birds, the trees, the universe is a symbol, an expression of the unseen.
They, we, all point to something else.
Sure a cross is a symbol to, but I say, so was the man that hung on it. He represented something.
These symbols that are all around us and also are us, teach us about all that is. They are a mirror of the Divine.
I hope that explains better what I mean by symbols. Its kind of ironic when certain religions talk about making images of God and how that is blasphemy. Everything is an image of God!
Peace and Blessings,

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by Spirit-Being October 19th 2009, 2:49 pm

Amazing Guys i really enjoyed reading all your Insights, i wish i could add more to this, hopefully i am beggining to get on my feet again and will be able to share with you all. Good Posts

Many Blessings

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by canadianmind October 19th 2009, 3:08 pm

I agree with that for sure! Thats why i dont understand why catholics/christians cant worship animals and such, if everything has god in it, then everything is godly

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by Serenity - Dawn October 19th 2009, 4:05 pm

I used to be Anglican, and I used to be Roman Catholic..

I have respect for every religion out there, For me personally, I've found that the Wiccan path has helped me more than any other religion.

Canadian Mind wrote:
why catholics/christians cant worship animals and such, if everything has god in it, then everything is godly

I was taught back in Anglican/Catholic churches that we are not Godly. They believe that we are sinners whom Christ has come to save.

From what I've been taught is that we strive to be closer to God through good deeds, but we are not Godly.. Nature was created by God, but it is not Godly.. Some of the people that I knew, believed that the only souls on earth were human souls....While some others believed that animals had souls..

Again, I have great respect for every religion, and this respect is also for the Christian religions...

Last edited by Serenity - Dawn on October 19th 2009, 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Serenity - Dawn
Serenity - Dawn

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by WhiteShaman October 19th 2009, 4:15 pm

I think the reason there are those who teach we are sinful by nature is so that we will come to question and find our own divinity.
It’s all good!
I will say though, that this (Divine not sinful by nature) understanding, in my opinion, is crucial to our growth as a species and is the one thing that we can teach someone that will affect them most as it opens them up to their inner voice and consequently, they learn to trust it.
Peace and Blessings,

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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by Serenity - Dawn October 19th 2009, 4:52 pm

I agree White Shaman..

I think this is also part of the reason why "nature based" religions have become more acceptable in society.. People are starting to wake up to who they really are, and how Godly they really are too...(which come to think of it, is pretty much along the same thing that you just said... HeeeHeee)

I think the Great Shift in Consciousness has already begun...
Serenity - Dawn
Serenity - Dawn

Number of posts : 284
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symbols are not the thing Empty Re: symbols are not the thing

Post by canadianmind October 19th 2009, 9:15 pm

I have just really started to read about wicca and i find it to be very enlightning and truthful. It makes a lot more sence then many things. When i started to read about it, i found out that many of the things i belive were wiccan in origin.

I also think that sin is nessasary in its own way. Life has a balance about it. Ying and yang, male and female etc. So if you think about it why wouldnt good be balanced by sin?

The shift really started about 20 years ago, but in the last 10 years or so its really been speeding up. Havnt you felt that the days and weeks and such just go by faster and faster?? I agree as well, the shift is happening ( if you havnt read my post "the truth as i see it", I explain my beliefs on this subject), its truely an exciting time to be alive!!!

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