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greetings everyone~

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greetings everyone~ - Page 2 Empty Re: greetings everyone~

Post by SPIRITUALMUSCLE December 17th 2009, 7:23 am

excellent spiritbeing-you will recieve so much more from undergoing exercise (body working at optimum performance) than you can remember.

Personally I feel gratefullness plays a huge role in our daily experience of life. Exercise is a huge show of gratefuleness to the universe of love and appreciation of our physical form! YOU WILL NEVER regret time spend on improving and "using" the physical form!

Number of posts : 43
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Registration date : 2009-12-01

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Post by Spirit-Being December 16th 2009, 8:57 pm

She is in great shape for her age she looks like shes 30 or 40 shows how exercise, eating healthy, & service to others can really be a blessing. I can sure learn something from Ernestine Shepherd and the people that she helps. If she can run 80 miles in a week i can surely walk around the block once a day i think that will be my new years resolution Namaste

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
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Post by SPIRITUALMUSCLE December 16th 2009, 3:11 pm

WhiteShaman wrote:I couldn’t agree more…true health is about “being” healthy and coming to a place in our awareness that allows us to live in the stress free positive ways you describe.
My feeling is that underneath it all, we are all perfect and healthy already…..we just don’t all realize it yet.


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Post by WhiteShaman December 16th 2009, 3:02 pm

I couldn’t agree more…true health is about “being” healthy and coming to a place in our awareness that allows us to live in the stress free positive ways you describe.
My feeling is that underneath it all, we are all perfect and healthy already…..we just don’t all realize it yet.

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
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Post by SPIRITUALMUSCLE December 16th 2009, 2:55 pm

here is a dear friend of mine and one of my inspirations...pushing mid 70's next year...crazy thing is not only does she look amazing, she is as strong if not stronger than MOST my young 20 year old females who train everyday.

"you are larger than you can imagine" ....from my inspirations, the common thing I observe is that HUMILITY is always present. I find that spectacular and Just!!


Number of posts : 43
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Post by SPIRITUALMUSCLE December 16th 2009, 2:48 pm

yes effort vs the reward.

That is a position MOST will find themselves in. As a father of 3 and committed to family, my time for myself has become VERY LIMITED. What I have found that is AMAZING is that I can and have continued to have the success of my youth (strenght and conditioning) while NOT having to spend anywhere as much time devoted to it.

heres a huge thought, having the experience WITHOUT "doing" much, instead now just needing to "be" it!...in my youth, I would spend hours upon hours working out..in my 40's (look exactly the same if not better, more balance), my doing has been replaced by JUST being IT (healthy)...my life lived is a testimony to it.

physical activity has mostly been replaced with positive thoughts, stress free thinking, being with like minded beings. OH dont get me wrong, I MOVE my body-mostly at playgrounds, kids activities, hit the gym 2-3 weeks....but then again, I think MOST are guilty of NOT doing anything.

Id say its a state of being that keeps people from "living life large"..not of state of doing...would most agree??

(ps I train people who are 50-60 -70's plus who put me to shame)....LOL...I love it.

Number of posts : 43
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Post by WhiteShaman December 16th 2009, 12:31 pm

In that case, I use my car!
Seriously though, I'm quite familar with health in regards to diet and exercise including body building but age does creep up on you.
I use to think in my younger days, not me, when I get older, I will this and that but the reality is to be this and that, one must devote an enormous amount of time and energy and although I am not speaking against or for spending that kind of energy, I find personally the effort is not worth the rewards.
So I approach health in a more balanced way these days where my exercise is my daily chores and my diet is watched over but not obsessed about.
I do however, miss the feeling that weight lifting gives and I understand completely the joy of doing it daily!

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Post by SPIRITUALMUSCLE December 16th 2009, 12:16 pm

WhiteShaman wrote:Hi John,
If you ever see me running please send help because it means someone is chasing me!

LOL....youre lucky you dont live near me....as it would be me CHASING YOU, pushing you to your best...but Ill keep that in mind. Thumb

Number of posts : 43
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Post by WhiteShaman December 16th 2009, 11:53 am

Hi John,
If you ever see me running please send help because it means someone is chasing me!

Number of posts : 495
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greetings everyone~ - Page 2 Empty Re: greetings everyone~

Post by SPIRITUALMUSCLE December 16th 2009, 11:35 am

Spirit-Being wrote:Hello John Glad you found your way here you have so much energy & such a positive outlook on life. I am quite out of shape, i can feel your enthusiasm flowing over and flowing in my direction. I have lacked any positive thinking for quite some time, i actually didnt know if i would make it back here, now i know why i am back. I need to be around the Light and move away from the Darkness. You guys are the Light, and i really missed being here learning and finding inspiration from all of you.

Many Blessings

Hello spirit being!I am glad you made your way back to SF as now we can share our journey...along with everyone else!
We have a few weeks to a brand new year (though I treat each day with the excitement of a new year-January 1 is an awesome time to refocus/rejunvenate).
I LOVE reading about everyones experiences on this forum-it validates our journey as well and it helps me see there are more than one way to reach whatever goal we set for ourselves.
Far as fitness goes, for those who like, check out www.cutthefatpodcast.com -free podcasts that I SUPPORT and agree with for safe-healthy tips to be the best you ever.( I Know the hosts personally and suppport their way of "thinking')

I would love to hear everyones fitness goal for 2010-heck it might be jog a 5K, go mountain climbing with their kids in July, ride a bike again, whatever...put it out there....make yourself accountable-I ALWAYS do better when I have a date and specific goal to reach...ANYONE want to join me??

WHat I would like to know is what physical challenge and a DATE. for those who brave and up to the challenge, I will give tips/suggestions/ideas to reach your goals....why not? nothing to lose and so much to gain!! Thumb

Number of posts : 43
Appreciation Points : 56
Registration date : 2009-12-01

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Post by WhiteShaman December 16th 2009, 8:21 am

Dear Spirit Being,
I notice within my mind that I have strong tendencies to become addicted to things.
Stronger than most I imagine.
Addictions can attach to many things other than drugs and alcohol.
Some of these others, are food, sex, love, approval, excitement, spirituality and even forums.
I more or less control any tendencies that arise related to such things but I also realize that control is not the answer.
The answer and solution is to understand “why” and then to resolve them.
The best I can come up with is that the “mind” is where all addictions reside and the mind is not who I am.
When the tendencies arise, I tell myself that it is just the chattering of the mind and if I let myself believe that, they soon go away. My real strength lies in who I really am at the core of my being, not my mind.
You are certainly not alone my friend in your sufferings but remember we, your friends, are only a reflection of what is good and pure inside of yourself as you also are to us.
The strength is within you.
I’ll end by sharing something I read recently:
“It is suffering that points us to the path that ends all suffering”
Peace and Blessings, Very Happy

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
Hobbies : Art, Nature, Volunteer work
Appreciation Points : 543
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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Post by d-knots December 15th 2009, 9:36 pm

we all need healing....,
of course, when we are open to it....LOL
mind, body, and soul... training....LOL Meditate

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Post by Spirit-Being December 15th 2009, 6:21 pm

So true WhiteShaman

It is a guide to see the truth, i notice that anything i become addicted to i get consumed with that one thing, and then another and another until i have no concept of who i am or what i need to do with this life. I become blind and selfish, which is so far from the Light that i begin to hate what i've become. I am just glad i am able to break free from the darkness as soon as i have, sometimes it takes much longer to break free from it. But being around positive people is the ultimate destruction for darkness. My guide is you guys, i know i say this so often but it's the Truth.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Post by WhiteShaman December 15th 2009, 7:55 am

Isn't it funny how darkness has an addictive quality to it whereas light does not. I actually use that as a guide sometimes to help me see the light thru the darkness.

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
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greetings everyone~ - Page 2 Empty Re: greetings everyone~

Post by Spirit-Being December 14th 2009, 6:50 pm

Hello John Glad you found your way here you have so much energy & such a positive outlook on life. I am quite out of shape, i can feel your enthusiasm flowing over and flowing in my direction. I have lacked any positive thinking for quite some time, i actually didnt know if i would make it back here, now i know why i am back. I need to be around the Light and move away from the Darkness. You guys are the Light, and i really missed being here learning and finding inspiration from all of you.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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greetings everyone~ - Page 2 Empty Re: greetings everyone~

Post by SPIRITUALMUSCLE December 6th 2009, 12:05 pm

thanks Canadian and D-knots...learning and recognizing our strengths puts us in a position to live a life of benefit for all the lives we touch, not to mention our own.

I totally get what you mean by "monitoring" ourselves and to the degree we allow ourselves to be involved in the journey of others. For me, I simply use LOVE -JOY and happiness as my guage.

When a current experiences fails to produce the aformentioned 3, I know the gift of that relationship is done in its current state and I now need to decide if I want to continue with a "new experience" with that individual(s) or move on. When I ask myself, "does this relationship bring me Love,Joy and happiness?" the answer is usually quite evident and easliy guides me to my next experience...based on what it is I am trying to achieve. (I am over struggling)

Number of posts : 43
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Post by canadianmind December 6th 2009, 10:04 am

Dispite the fact I dont work out as much as I should, I agree that you need to work your body as well as your mind. Your body is temple of your soul. So why should the outside of it not be as well tuned as the inside?

CHallenge is what makes people learn, and therefore become better people, if they know how to channel that power postitivly. I also think that you arent the only one feeling change. Lots of people i know, that have nothing to do with this forum, or any spiritual activity at all feel it, and know that something is changing. People know what they need to change, but lots of people ( including myself in some ways ) fear change ( im learing to accept it). Definetly an intersting time to be alive.

As for gifts, Id say im an empath, with a bit of clairvoyance. Other then that I accel at music/art, and enjoy making people happy. I am not scared to share my opinions at all either.... Im also an info gatherer, like reading, and learing ALOT ( althogh my teachers would say the same lol).

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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greetings everyone~ - Page 2 Empty Re: greetings everyone~

Post by d-knots December 6th 2009, 9:46 am

one of my gifts is to be here for others
to let them know they are not alone
and that reaching for each other to help not abuse
- becuase using sometimes can lead to hurting others -;
there is a balance as you say and the more positive
the longer we have with each other fullfilling
our journey and possibly ....LOL... enjoying it
it's got to be healing not vice versa.

I struggle with my charge of late and it is energy sapping
to say the least as well as negative - don't need that...
it also puts my justified reactions to being trampled on
in a bad light - don't need that.

how easily one can fall into a dark side while angry - a human emotion.
Thank Good for positive reinforcement for me it's color and angels/spirits
and severing ties with that which I cannot change.....
GoodnEvil ...LOL
Sylvia Browne's , Doreen Virtue, and Colette Baron-Reid teachings have been good to me
but are not for everyone yet open to everyone; the best saying is "take what you need and leave the rest"....you know...LOL
Good SharingGood SharingGood Sharing

Number of posts : 760
Appreciation Points : 799
Registration date : 2008-12-16

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greetings everyone~ - Page 2 Empty Re: greetings everyone~

Post by SPIRITUALMUSCLE December 6th 2009, 9:07 am

Thank you all for the warm welcome.

I am currently living in Maryland 30 minutes outside Baltimore.

Yes, I am a firm believer that to live life to the fullest one MUST develop all aspects of being. Spreading my "energy" to all the aspects (mind-body-soul)

This is very delicate balancing act as we must "discover" what path works best for us. YOU will KNOW when the path is working as it seems like "its too easy" and it just comes together. I now realize CHALLENGE is positive, STRUGGLE is not.

This MONTH, this new year I am "feeling" big experiences about to unfold in front of me. Not quite sure what EXACTLY is going to happen, but one thing for sure, it will be an experience of personal clarity and leading others to theirs!

**If I could ask one question for those who want to share-what is your gift? We all have one.

Mine Ive come to learn is to lead and inspire~

Number of posts : 43
Appreciation Points : 56
Registration date : 2009-12-01

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greetings everyone~ - Page 2 Empty Re: greetings everyone~

Post by WhiteShaman December 6th 2009, 7:41 am

Welcome John!
"what I think-I am"
Great statement!
The power of intention!
Peace and Blessings, (How did you get that picture of me?) ha!

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
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Post by canadianmind December 5th 2009, 11:04 pm

Pretty much all of alberta got 30cm over the lst few days. Texas of all places got a small dumping of snow. Jersey isnt to far from canada you know Razz

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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Post by d-knots December 5th 2009, 9:59 pm

oh yeah!
positive reinforcement
it's nice to get it and give it back....LOL
I agree
respect for the physical self is so
undernourished sometimes
folks will give up building a strong
body just to have things in their life...
it's unique and a blessing to be able to
continue after you're out of school to keep up with
workouts....remember gym class
but after high school or college in the US it's really
downhill if you're not a member of a fitness club
or play a sport....ouch!
yoga is good stuff
oxygen and jogging too
as well as a healing diet
I like kefir, beets, and chicken...LOL

Brrr it's snowing in Jersey today
was talking with someone in Canada today they've
had some snow since a week ago....LOL

where are you from John?

Number of posts : 760
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Registration date : 2008-12-16

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Post by canadianmind December 5th 2009, 1:41 am

Welcome to the forum!!!
Spirituality has always had a physical element to it ( zen/sammurai, chi/kungfu and tai chi, yoga). Great for you to join us so we can all learn from each other.

I also like your optimism about life, makes things a bit easier i think to be positive about things. Hope you enjoy your time here


Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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Post by Linda December 4th 2009, 6:16 pm

Welcome John, I like your positive outlook on life, and look forward to reading more about what you have learned.
I too try to be positive, I would like to try your little secret.
I am thinner and healthier and full of energy!
your new friend, Linda (-:

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Hobbies : Living
Tell us about yourself : I feel at peace outdoors, listening to nature, the birds to the bubbling creek, recharges my soul.
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Registration date : 2009-01-10

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Post by Vanilla2 December 4th 2009, 11:19 am

A very warm welcome John/SPIRITUALMUSCLE, yes we are all so very different, with much to share, and each one of us with our own knowledge, ready to give and teach to others Very Happy

I look forward to your future postings.

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