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My Poems

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My Poems Empty My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:36 am

I'm putting them all in the one thread simply because there's a lot and it makes more sense to have them all in the same thread rather than in seperate threads.

Problems of a Domestic Cat

I love my humans
I wish they’d understand
Why I was naughty today!

They told me off for kneading
While they were stroking me
But I was merely imitating
What a kitten does to its mum!

I accidentally scratched them
I didn’t mean to you see!
They were playing rough with me
While I was in a heightened mood!

While I was over excited
I clawed at the furniture
Marking my territory
Also leaving a marker for other cats!

I saw another cat outside,
Got quite upset!
So I sprayed against the cat flap
Marking it as being mine!

My litter tray was unclean
When I needed to use it!
So I showed them I needed it cleaned
By soiling in the house!

I went out to find the other cat
Returned with a present for them
Why did they scream and shout
When I gave them the mouse?

They shut me inside again
This meant I couldn’t get out.
I was bored so I groomed
Until my fur started to come out

I found some woollen material
Started trying to suck and eat it
They’d not given me anything else
Like a toy or my mouse!

The strange cat returned
Started pulling faces through the cat flap
So I went out again!
Ready to beat it up!

Now I’m going to see
If my other family understand
What makes me do the things
That the family I’ve left
Don’t like to see me doing.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:36 am

A Pregnant Rescue

Why did they turn me away?
Is it because I was caught by the local tom?
It wasn't my fault, I didn't ask
The local tom to catch me

Us unspayed female cats
We can't take ourselves to the vet
And ask to be spayed, can we?

I was scrounging on the streets for a while
After the local tom caught me.
No one wanted me
Because I got pregnant

Then an angel came down,
Picked me up and said
"You'll never have to bear kittens
Or go hungry ever again"

The angel took me in
Nursed me while I gave birth
Then the kittens were gone,
Taken into new homes

Then came my turn, a family came
And said they would love me forever
I went with them into my new home.

Now I'm sat happy, I've been spayed
I'm not having to be out in the cold
Pregnant, month after month, year after year
I've got somewhere to call home.

My family are great, there's the adults and the children.
The children spoil me, the adults dote on me
I like this home, I'm staying here!

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:37 am

The World's Lament

When the sun stops shining and the moon is dying
When the stars fade away to nothing
And the world fades to blackness
Will we look back and
Be proud of what we’ve done?

All the pollution and the unfairness
People have caused in this world
Children throwing stones at animals
Adults standing by and laughing

Elderly people too scared to leave home
Teenagers ruling the streets with knives
Is that really fair?

Humankind should know better
What goes around comes around
One day you might need help
Then where will you turn?

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:37 am

The Golden Sunset

I sit here and look
At the Golden Sunset
Thinking about the beauty
of this day

I sit here and think
About the beauty of life
And the beauty of the
Golden Sunset

I sit here and look
At the sky and I ask myself
Where is the heart of the
Golden Sunset?

I sit here and think
About the meaning of life
And the beauty and heart of
The Golden Sunset

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:37 am

At the Bottom of the Ocean

At the bottom of the ocean
A shipwreck lies
All brown and black
All rusted and worn, rotting away.

At the bottom of the ocean
The shipwreck is rotting away
The sea lapping against it
Is making it rot away quickly.

At the bottom of the ocean
The shipwreck lies, forgotten by people
Forgotten by everybody
Seaweed clinging to it.

At the bottom of the ocean
The sea eats away at the shipwreck
The shipwreck is in a poor state
All rusted, worn and torn.

At the bottom of the ocean
Lies a shipwreck
With a gash in it
From where it hit an iceberg.

It hit the iceberg and sank
It has been in the ocean ever since
Rotting away
With help from the sea.

At the bottom of the ocean
Lies the Titanic
She hit an iceberg then sank
She has been in the Ocean ever since.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:38 am

Games of a Much Loved Cat

My favourite games are simple and sweet
I am happy with a ball of wool or string
Chasing it across the floor
Trailing like a mouse’s tail.

A toy on a pole is brilliant fun
Flying high above me
I want to catch it!
Because it is my prey!

Ping pong balls rolling around
Trying to escape from the brave hunter!
Feathers tickling my paws
Waiting for me to pounce on them!

A cardboard tube, maybe hiding something
I’m sure there’s a mouse in there!
Cardboard boxes for a quick nap
Maybe there’s something in there!

My old favourite, a catnip mouse
Sat waiting to be hunted
The killing bite is all good fun
But you’ll never guess what my favourite is!

My favourite toy makes all others alive
Scurrying across the floor
Hiding in things
Trying to hide behind things.

Have you guessed my favourite toy?
It’s not my mouse or my ball!
It’s not my string or feathers!
My favourite toy is you

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:38 am

The Ship

The ship is setting sail at last
I have been waiting for this day
So long, so long
Our ship is sailing off today

Our ship is sailing today
The wind is fanning the sail now
We are leaving the land behind
With all our other ships in tow.

We are sailing, sailing, sailing
Sailing away to new lands
Leaving the old behind
For the boat to get new hands

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:38 am


Have you looked up
Into the clouds
And wondered what dreams
The night may bring?

The night may bring memories
Or it might bring bad dreams
It could also bring fantasies
Or it could bring none of these.

Have you ever wondered
What dreams could pop up unexpectedly
In the middle of the night
When you are asleep

When you dream
What do you see?
Do you see your memories?
Or do you see something else?

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:39 am

A Stray's Tail

I'm sat outside your door
Waiting for you to open it
Something is wrong, I can sense it
A year ago you took me in
I was a kitten then
Now you don't want to know
Must I be out in the cold?
I'm on my own now
I look through the window and meow
"Let me in, it's time for some food"
You have your back turned.
I need some food, so I turn my back on you.
The birds fly overhead
How I wish I could catch them!
I try next door, they have a cat!
They shoo me away, so I run.
I knock a bin over and find the remains of a chicken.
That chicken tastes great!
I go along, trying every house
Until I get to the next street
I hear a car coming
"Please help me" I meow.
No good! They are passing by!
I run to them, trying to catch them up.
They see me in their mirror. Do they stop? No.
Someone else is coming. On foot.
They put some food on the floor, in a bowl.
I'm hungry again, and tired.
I nervously approach the bowl, not knowing what to expect.
The food tastes good, I hear you approach.
I hear kind words for the first time since I was thrown out.
You pick me up and take me inside
To "Meet the family" as you put it.
You pick up the phone, to call some new people.
I hear another vehicle coming.
It's a van with two new people.
They pick me up and put me in a cage.
"I don't like this" I meow at them.
They don't listen.
We pull up outside a new building.
My cage is lifted out.
I'm carried inside.
Wait a minute! I know this building!
It's what people call the VETS!
I don't like this!
You carry me inside, and I get checked over by the vet.
I hiss and grumble at the vet
But soon I am back in the cage, ready to go!
You carry me back out to the van, and we go to another building.
You put me in another cage, and tell me to be good.
I see other cats about, all in cages.
I discover this cage has a litter tray in ...
I badly need to use it!
The food tastes good after all I've been through!
The water is fresh, I drink all I can.
You help me settle in, and "socialise" with me.
I'm a really friendly cat, I see you write that on a sheet of paper.
A short while later, too short a time,
You take me out of there, and take me to a "rescue centre"
I stay there a few days, then You come in.
I realise You are the person for me.
"Look at me!" I cry. "I need a home!"
You make all the right noises, then talk to the people there.
I'm taken out of the cage, then put back in a carrier.
I'm going home!

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:39 am

Do You Remember

Do you remember when
We used to sit in the sun
Best Friends Forever
Do you remember me?

We became a threesome
Hung around together
Then you went off together
With her, didn't you?

We left the school together
As a threesome
Promised we'd stay in touch
Do you remember?

I wrote to you
You never wrote back though.
Now all I have left is
Memories of you and me.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:40 am


I first saw you sleeping in your pen
You were so thin, so fragile
At the time of seeing you
I wasn't planning on taking you home

You were eight years old, the charity said
Had been in their care for months
I knew I couldn't leave you!

I arranged it with my family
Together we brought you home
You were my precious treasure,
My sugar pie, my life!

You acted older than the charity thought you were,
We thought you were 14 when we got you.
Beauty, you were shy but very sweet
Once you learnt to trust us.

You were never keen on visitors, never keen on fuss
But you were very special
To all of us

You had to leave your home
When your owner died
But that didn't mean you weren't special
You meant the world to us!

It was hard when you became ill
The good times became rarer and rarer
The bad started outnumbering the good

We did our best, honest we tried!
But your body was too weak
To fight the sickness off.
I lost you, holding you at the last
You only lived with us 18 months!
But your memory still lives on,
My sweet, precious treasure!

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:41 am

Second Chance

Once I had a loving home
Now I’m all alone
I watch as every day
People pass me by.

Won’t you come and play with me?
I’m really friendly if given a chance!
I only want to play!

I’m only in here
Because my owner left me!
I want a new person to love!
Can I come and live with you?
Can I share my love with you?

Please give me a second chance
I can see it in your eyes that you want to!
Why can’t I come and live with you?

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:41 am


You came into the charity
Together with your brother
Your owners had split up
And couldn't keep either of you.

I met you two weeks
Before we lost our tortoiseshell
You decided it was time
For us to bring you home

We couldn't take you straight away
I brought my brother to meet you.
He fell for you like I had.

Shortly after our tortoiseshell left this world
We went to collect you
You were understandably nervous
Coming into a new environment.
Though you soon settled in
With loads of spoiling, attention and fuss.

You've settled in well, now.
We're not letting you go!
Not for any reason!

You are very generous with your gifts:
Mice, rabbits, rats and moles
Birds you brought in plenty
You've given us so much happiness!

Both of you were three when we met
You are four now
And I hope we have years a plenty

So many times
We've been outside together
You posing for the camera, me in my rightful place behind it.
In the sunshine and the shade
I'm not a good photographer I'll admit
But you make it so easy for me
And that's the way I hope
It will always be!

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:42 am

A Purring Cat's Poem

The Thing that makes me want to PURR
Is this Thing that humans do to me with their hands
And the Thing I like best is
When humans rub their hands on my back.

They call this Thing stroking
I don't know whether it's true
All I know is, it's something I want.

Another Thing I like best
Is when my humans fetch the camera
I like having my picture taken!!
Because that's my favourite Thing!

I adore being picked up, snuggled and cuddled
Laps are purrfect as well
They are there for sleeping on
During the day, that is.

The best Things of all
Are hunting, snuggling and posing.
Sleeping on beds come high on the list of Good Things too!

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:42 am

A Rainbow Bridge Kitty

I'm waiting for you
At the Rainbow Bridge
I'm grateful for what you did
You didn't let me suffer

You gave me a home and a chance
When everyone else turned away
I needed you, just like you needed me
You found it hard to say goodbye

I've made it safely to the other side
I wanted to let you know
How grateful I am for you knowing
When to let me go.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:43 am

Beauty: One Year On (Written 3rd |November 2009)

A year ago today
We lost you to a tumour
They say the pain gets easier
They say time is a healer
But does the pain ever leave completely?

A year ago today
We had to have you PTS
You were in too much pain
We couldn't leave you as you were!

The vet came out
We said goodbye
Then you'd gone,
Left for the Rainbow Bridge
Where we'll meet you again one day.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:43 am

My Cat

I love my cat
He’s always there for me
When I return from work
There he is watching out for me

If I’m upset
He’ll sit and comfort me
Out he goes to bring me gifts
Making sure I’m never alone

He loves playing with his toys
Will practice killing them
Ready for when he’s outside
Which is when he’ll bring me gifts

He loves sleeping on my bed
Enjoys seeking out the warmth
Before I know it
He’s keeping me warm as well

My handsome boy likes the idea
Of trying the food from my plate
Or trying to scrounge a meal
From our neighbours or their cats

He’s one of my best friends
They say dogs are man’s best friend
But they never met my cat
Who’s love is unconditional

We both love each other
That is plain to see
I’ll be here for him forever
Just like he’s here for me.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:43 am

I'm A Little Hare

I’m a little hare
Running across the fields
Along the fields I tear
Until I reach my home, safe.

Safe from foxes
Safe from humans
Safe from the boxes
That humans call rabbit hutches

I’m a little hare
Running all about
To live I need air
And I need food, water and shelter.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:44 am


Friends are always there for you
No matter what you do
No matter where you are

Friends help each other
When one friend needs help,
If one friend is upset
The other one will help.

Friends don’t forget each other
No matter how long they’ve been apart
Friends don’t forget each other
No matter where they end up.

Friends talk to each other
And share with each other
Friends don’t hold grudges
Or blame each other for problems.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:44 am

A Cat's Perspective of Life

It's such a hard life here!
I can sleep when I want,
Eat when I want.
My family lets me out on demand.

The food is good, I don't need to hunt
But I hunt anyway
It's one thing I enjoy.

Life is hard here
I get stroked on demand,
Picked up and cuddled on demand.
Heck, I can even sleep on the bed
If I choose to!

Could life be any harder?
I don't think it could!
My family complains about the price of things
But spare a thought for me!

I have to go to the vets
For all my injections and things
I don't like needles!

The vet pokes and prods around
Every time I go there
Vets are mean when they hurt
But I don't mind coming back!

When I return from the vets
I get all the fuss I want!
The other cats hiss at me though
But I don't mind
I'm just happy to be home!
Life isn't so bad round here!

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:45 am

The Life of Beauty

Your first day with us
We found exciting, you found scary.
I remember you spent your first morning with us
Hiding under the bed.

You hissed a bit at first
I can understand why,
Because you were scared
You didn’t know where you were!

The first time you went outside
You escaped from the house,
Tried to find your way back home,
But you ran into problems!

Barry and Roger saw you
Entering their territory
So they chased you off.

You hid in the garage
I sat with you, talking to you
And comforting you.

I remember you loved chicken
Tuna was your favourite though.
You could tolerate Whiskas cat food,
Didn’t mind Royal Canin.

Barry was your boyfriend
You and Barry sat along the fence
Watching each other to see
Who would make the first move of friendship.

You were never keen on the camera
Never keen on a lot of fuss and rushing about
Always our quiet girl you were.

When visitors came you’d hide away
You weren’t going to share territory
Not with anyone you didn’t know!

Scared of the front of the house
You’d only be out there
If one of us was with you.

The back garden you loved
Would spend hours there with Barry
Just lying there enjoying life
And just watching the life around you.

Once you caught a shrew
It escaped but not for long
You brought it back for me.

The only other creature you caught
Was a young bird
But I think it was already dead
When you came across it.

Normally you were scared of birds
Maybe you’d been attacked by one
Before you came to us

You never completely got over losing your owner
Nor completely your time in rescue
With your arthritis hurting you
I don’t think you would forget.

You never liked toys, I remember
Were a bit scared of them
And you were never sure of men either.

Whatever had happened in your past
It left you wanting to trust people
But never sure of the reception
You were going to get,
Particularly from males.

You trusted me though
And tolerated the rest of the family
Generously accepted the neighbours
Weren’t too sure of Barry’s brother Roger
I still think now you were scared of him.

You enjoyed teasing the dog over the fence
Would sit there watching her
And grooming yourself within her sight
While she was doing her nut!

The dog at the other fence
I know you were scared of him.
You’d run back inside
Every time you saw him.

We enjoyed having you here
I loved you just like you loved me!
I hope we made you happy
The time we had together was too short
But you’ll never be forgotten, my sugar pie Beauty!

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:45 am


We can see the birds
Celebrating the new day
Filling the trees with their beautiful songs

We can see the birds
Flying through the sky
Glad to be alive on this lovely warm day

The world is stirring now
Welcoming the new day
Just happy to be alive

We can hear the birds
Hiding in the trees
Singing their songs to each other
For everyone to hear

We can see the birds
Returning to their nests
At the end of a hard day’s work

We can hear the birds
Calling goodnight to each other
As they tuck themselves in bed
Ready to start a new day.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:45 am

A Cat Contract

When I bring you home
I will not expect you to
Start being sociable immediately
You will be frightened I know.

I solemnly promise to
Only give you the food you like
Play with you on demand
Not complain when my shoes are pouncing practice.

I faithfully promise I will
Love you unconditionally
Cuddle you and stroke you on command
My final promise to you is
I promise to give you titbits and treats when required.

Your promise to me is
That you will spoil me with prey
I will cuddle you and stroke you when you do.
This promise is written by A. Human.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:46 am

A New Cat's Home

When you first brought me home
I found it very scary
Where was this strange place?
I didn’t know!

I had a good sniff round
Heard your reassuring tones
You told me it was fine
To be nervous about this strange new place.

You left me alone for the night
Hoping I’d settle in
I discovered the comfy bed
You’d got especially for me.

I discovered the warm places;
Settled into them straight away.
My favourite places to be are by the heater,
The warmest spot on the bed.

I’ve settled in really well now
I know for a fact I’m loved
You tell me all the time
And I love you in return!

The warmest places are all mine
But I’m happy to share!
The food is purr-fect
You know how to spoil me!

Now it’s time for another nap
I’ll go off and dream
About catching you some mice;
Maybe catch you a rat or a bird or two!

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:46 am

You Walk On By

I'm sat in my pen
With people all around
Wondering who to look at
I look at you
But you walk on by
Without a glance.

I'm sat here, lonely and afraid
Looking out at you
But you don't seem to notice me
And you walk on by.

I'm sat here wondering
If any of you will look at me
But no
You walk on by.

I'm still sat here waiting
For you to take me home
My old life was hard
But not as hard as watching you
Walk on by

I can't help my fear
I can't help my past
So I wish you would
Stop and look at me and
Not walk by

I've been here so long
Watching all of you people
But you don't notice me so
You walk on by

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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