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My Poems

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:47 am

Over the Bridge

We knew the end was coming
It was plain to see
Things were not right with you, we knew

You’re in the better place
Where there is no pain
Where you can make new friends to play with
We will never forget you
You are still very special to us

We still miss you
They say time is a healer
But nothing can replace you
We just wish things could have gone differently
Wish you could have stayed with us

But you weren't well, it wasn't fair
To keep you suffering through the days
We chose our moment, said goodbye
Then you'd gone, flown up to Heaven
Where we'll meet you again

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:47 am

Christmas Prayer for Cats

Oh Lord keep my people safe
Protect them from the cold and damp
Show my people how lucky they are
Let them know presents are not everything.

I will do my best for them
I will give them all my love;
Share all my prey with them;
Give them a headful of bunts.

There's one other thing I want
I want it for my brothers and sisters
Out there in the cold
Lord, please keep them warm and safe
Let them know someone cares this Christmas

Oh Lord, please hear my prayer
All I ask for this Christmas in return
Is their love and strokes on my back.
Maybe some of their Christmas dinner as well.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:48 am

Anne Frank Poem

The sun didn't mean to set on Anne Frank
It only meant to rise, it wasn't to know
Anne's life would end too soon

The sun never meant to set on Anne
It never had a choice
The choice was taken by the Nazis

The sun wanted to rise, never to set
Margot and Anne were never given the chance
To live and grow to adults

The sun didn't mean to set
When the Secret Annexe was discovered
It couldn't have known what would happen

They were betrayed, who knows by who
Anne and Margot died in the camp
Anne's diary survived to teach us about ourselves

The sun had to set on Anne Frank
It had no choice
Only Anne's father survived

If you learn anything from this tale
Please learn the following, it's true
We are all human and no one deserves Anne's fate.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:48 am

Walk Away

I'm watching you walk away
Wondering what I did wrong
Please don't leave me here
My only crime was to love you

We used to be so happy together
Hugs and kisses galore
Why can't you see what you've done?
You were my world

When you said forever
I believed that's what you meant
Why can't you stay with me?
Forever means you'll never leave I'm sure

This can't be true, you can't be gone
But my eyes don't lie
It's hard watching you walk away
Even harder not knowing why.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:48 am

Love and Loss

As the seasons come and go,
I look back on the past.
Thinking how quickly time has flown;
Wondering where it's gone.

I think back on the past events;
Look at your photo again.
I still miss you and want to ask
Where are you now?

I remember all the fun times we had.
I shared your laughter and your pain,
Now there's nothing left
Except your photo on the wall.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:49 am

Self Acceptance

I've learnt to accept myself
For who I am, not what I do
I can't change myself into someone else
Even if I wanted to

I used to regret the past a lot
Thinking too much about events
But I find it much easier not
It's better to live in the now

We need to look to the future
Not back into the past
The ideal is to live in the present
It's better to move forward at last.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:49 am

Final Goodbye (written for Beauty)

It's been three years since I last saw
Your sweet little face watching me
All I ever wanted for you was
For you to feel happy and well cared for

You didn't find it easy, this much I know
I hope you're happy wherever you are
Whether you're near me or whether you're far away
I do still miss you but know it's time to let go

It's time to move forward and not look back
Your body's gone but your spirit still remains
You still live on in my heart and memory
The memory of you keeps me on track

It's been three years since I set you free
Saying goodbye seems like forever
Like we'll never see each other again
But you'll always live on in me

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:50 am

Alone Again

Darkness falls once more
In this sleepy little village
Another night without you here
Alone again

I can remember the fun times
The sad times as well
I remember when you walked away
Leaving my heart alone again

I don't understand
Why did you walk away
Why did you leave me
Alone again

Where are you now
I hope you are happy wherever you went
I do miss you and want you back
But I also want you to be happy

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:50 am

Heavens Bells

Heavens bells are ringing
Signalling the arrival of a new soul
This soul will be greatly missed on Earth
Tears are falling down there

In Heaven the bells are ringing
There's a celebration going on
This soul is being welcomed there
Taken from Earth too soon

This soul will be watching from Heaven
Watching all the loved ones on Earth
Looking after them all from Heaven
Waiting for the day when they're together again

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:51 am

Writers Block

Sitting at the table again
Looking at a white page
The words won't come
Once again I have nothing to say

Where did all the words go?
Last week they were all there
Floating around in my head
Giving me a chance to write them down

I had the chance to write down
Exactly how I feel
Now the white page stares back at me, defying me
I have no words to break this

The words were there earlier
But now they will not come
I used to feel them flowing out
Now I'm waiting for writers block to end.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:51 am


I’m dreaming of wide open spaces
Fields reaching for miles and miles
Feeling free as the wind
Thinking of you every day

I pray you find happiness
That you find the peace denied you
Knowing your heart is able to rest at last
Counting down the days to you finding yourself

I hope you find true happiness
Not misery and despair
I’m praying to the angels asking for their help
Asking them to support you forever

That’s all I want for you
Happiness and peace
I hope you find it soon, sweet one
I’m asking for them to help you through this

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:51 am


Why did you do this to me
I don't understand what happened
Why did you hurt me like this
I thought we'd be together forever

When did she come on the scene
I don't understand why this happened
Why won't you answer me
I thought you wanted to be with me

Was it when we got engaged
Or did the rot set in before then
Why wasn't I good enough for you
Was I ever good enough for you?

They say I'm better than you
That at least I don't cheat on others
This is the worst betrayal by far
That I've ever had to face

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:52 am

All As One

Why is there so much war?
We need to learn to live
All as one in peace and harmony
Please tell me if you can

Religion keeps us all apart
When we should be together
All as one forever and ever
Never to part ever again

We need to realise that
We need to live all as one
Arguing and fighting only divides
When we just need to live as one

We need to learn to understand
Learn to love each other forever
Not divide ourselves into little groups
We need to live all as one

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:52 am

The Hourglass

I'm thinking of all the fun times
Running around laughing and joking
Together with you and our friends
Acting like a group of children
Playing in the winter snow

Flash forward to the spring
When the lambs are racing in the fields
When the spring flowers are peeping through the grass
I pick up the phone and call you
Asking you if you're up for more fun

Summer arrives and with it
Comes the warm nights in the moonlight
Partying until the early hours
Wanting it to never end
Hoping the fun lasts forever

Autumn comes round and with it
The quiet realisation it's nearly over
That soon it'll be time to curl up
Keep nice and warm by the fire
Knowing soon it'll be time for winter parties

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:53 am


I see you constantly in my sleep
Your face haunting my memory
Staring right into my soul
Knowing you're not here with me

You're always there waiting for me
Lurking deep in my subconscious mind
Waiting for me to fall asleep
Watching for a chance to appear

A new day dawns once again
Another day without you here
I'm wandering around in a daze
Not understanding you any more

I'm haunted by your face every night
Wishing I could forget you for now
Wanting to forget you're not here
You took my heart with you when you left

You left me all alone once more
This is something I can't forget
I can't forget your face
I can't forget what you did to me

I see you every night when I sleep
You're always there watching me
Never letting me forget you
Your presence is always there

I feel you there all the time
Lurking deep inside my soul
Physically you are long gone
But your presence will never leave

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:53 am

Light in my Life

You're like the sun
Shining down on me
Brightening up my life
Making me see clearly

You're like the stars
Shining into my life
Lighting up the night
Keeping the dark at bay

You're like the wind
Blowing the dust away
Removing the dirt from my life
Making my life perfect

You're the light in my life
Brightening up my day
Making the nights less lonely
Just by being here with me

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:54 am

Please Don't Leave

What did I do to make you leave?
Why can't you stay with me?
Why did you say you loved me
When you didn't really care?

Did I do something wrong?
Why are you walking away?
Leaving me here all alone?
Please don't leave me like this

Please don't walk away from me
I need to know the answers
Please tell me if you can
Please don't leave me this way

"You'll find someone else" they say
But I don't think that's true
You're the one I really need
Please, I beg you, please don't leave

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan December 26th 2011, 6:54 am

Untitled - needs a title desperately

I think of you
Every night and every day
Wishing you were here with me
Wishing you’d never gone away

I know I’ll never see your face again
Only in my dreams
What’s happened is really plain
You’ve gone away and won’t be back

I wish you’d come back to me
The cruel thing is I know you won’t
Please listen to this plea
Please tell me what happened

All I’ve got left now
Is a memory of what was and could have been
The what, why, when, where and how
What might have been if you’d only stayed

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan March 8th 2012, 8:08 am

Black Walls

The black walls of depression
Close around me once again
Blocking out the sun
Causing another flood of pain

There's no light to be seen
Everything I know is going or gone
Love is only a distant memory
Although life has to go on

The darkness washes over me
Taking with it my light
It's a dark world now
Preventing me from feeling all right

The world doesn't feel right any more
It's fading away before my eyes
There's no way out of this mess
So I look up at the skies

The sun peeks through the clouds
Just for a moment pushing the blackness away
Bringing a light into the tunnel
Encouraging me not to stray

There's just a glimmer of hope
Something to focus on
Light at the end of the tunnel
It's always darkest before the dawn

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by Vanilla2 March 8th 2012, 8:27 am

There is always a way out of our mess my friend.
Quoting beautydylan " There's no way out of this mess "

Number of posts : 1209
Appreciation Points : 1613
Registration date : 2009-08-18

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan April 16th 2012, 5:59 pm

Never Forget

I’ll never ever forget your face
The times we always shared together
You watching me, loving me forever
Waiting for a snuggle from me

I’ll never forget the good times
The times we shared together
We didn’t think we’d be parted
Not like this; you’re gone forever

I’ll never forget what I did
The way you supported me
You were a pillar of support
Then it was all taken away

Because of me, I lost you
I have to live with the memory
Of when I turned and left
Leaving you alone with strangers

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan April 16th 2012, 5:59 pm

Broken Angel

She’s a broken angel
Trapped on Earth
With nowhere to go

Not knowing freedom
Feeling like
No one cares

Trapped in her mind
She cries alone
Cold and scared

Everything she knows
Everything she loves
Seems to vanish

No one knows
How she feels
She gets ignored

Is no one there
To hear her cry
Is she invisible

No one understands
The way she feels
She’s crying alone

So take her hands
Comfort her
Show her love

Show you care
Someone wants her
We love her

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by Linda April 19th 2012, 2:25 pm

Very Nice! Thank You for sharing My Poems - Page 2 643622 (-:

Number of posts : 757
Age : 68
Location : Phoenix, Arizona
Hobbies : Living
Tell us about yourself : I feel at peace outdoors, listening to nature, the birds to the bubbling creek, recharges my soul.
Appreciation Points : 1030
Registration date : 2009-01-10

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by beautydylan May 15th 2012, 10:53 am

Empty Place

There's an empty place in my heart
Where you used to be, curled up
Like it was your place in me
Forever taking care of me

There's an empty place on my bed
Where you used to sleep, curled round
Like nothing would ever remove you
Your place was here with me

There's an empty place in the garden
Where you used to run and play
Throwing yourself down in the sun
Chasing the butterflies around the place

There's an empty place in this house
Where you used to prowl round
You're gone forever, body and soul
Faded away like the sun behind clouds

Lost Love (ok this one seriously needs a better title)

Come back to me my love
Change the past just for me
Take me away from here please
Where the eagles spread their wings

Where the wind blows us higher
Sending us past the clouds
Pulling us round the stars
Then gently lowering us back to Earth

It’s a cold, hard truth
A cold, cruel world to live in
Now that we’re not together
Since we got torn apart

We lost each other that day
When we walked apart
Never to see each other again
Never to hold each other again

I wish we could hold each other
Just once more, never to part
But that can never be
We’ll be cold and lonely forever more

Number of posts : 179
Age : 35
Location : Non serious answer - outside my head, serious answer - UK
Hobbies : Being random and writing poetry
Tell us about yourself : I do random very well lol
Appreciation Points : 212
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

Post by Spirit-Being May 15th 2012, 12:34 pm

Very expressive poems, wow so much emotion. I write poems too and i know much feeling goes into it. They are Beautiful, i know theres alot of hurt, pain, sadness, lonliness... but you are healing, everytime you express these emotions through writing. I am glad to read them Very Happy

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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My Poems - Page 2 Empty Re: My Poems

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