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Inner Child Meditation

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Inner Child Meditation Empty Inner Child Meditation

Post by HypnoDude February 24th 2009, 9:53 pm

Treasures From Our Past

Deep within each of us lives the child we once were. For most of us, our inner child lies hidden beneath the layers that we’ve put on in order to become adults. In our rush to put on grown-up clothing and live adult lives, we may have forgotten the wisdom and innocence that we possessed when we were children. In meditation, we can connect with our inner child and reclaim what we have forgotten.

You can start by finding a photo of yourself as a child that you can look at for a few moments. School photos often work well to help you connect with this part of you. Sit in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and start taking deep breaths. Set the intention that you are going to connect with your inner child. Wait for an image of yourself as a child to appear in your mind’s eye. See your grown-up self hugging your inner child. Listen to what your inner child has to say. Perhaps your inner child wants to give you the answer to a question that you’ve been mulling over. After all, you never needed to look outside yourself when you were a child to know how you felt or what was true for you. You always knew the answers. There also may be an ache from a childhood wound that you can now heal by talking to your inner child and offering them the wisdom and perspective that comes with maturity. Or maybe you’ve merely forgotten how to see the world with childlike wonder and hope! , and your inner child would like you to remember how. Tell your inner child that you love them and will keep them safe. Embrace your inner child and tell them that you are always there for them. Allow your inner child to always be there for you.

Connecting to your inner child in with meditation is a very useful tool, but you can also connect with your inner child even when you aren’t in meditation. Treat yourself to a play date, ice cream, or a walk in the park. Let yourself laugh and play more. Give yourself permission to be as wise as your inner child so you can stop focusing on what isn’t important and start living as if every moment is precious. Your life will be filled with more laughter and fun.

The Daily Om

Number of posts : 136
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Inner Child Meditation Empty The child inside

Post by Wind-Dancer February 25th 2009, 7:18 pm

wow what a wonderful post. i feel that the inner child is the essence of our being .I agree as we mature we seem to tuck our inner child away in a safe corner of our mind. It is not allowed to come out and play.In todays society i think maybe its because we are afraid to show our child side. Fear that we wont fit in or we will be made fun of.I think this meditation is a wonderful way for us to actually do just as it says, bring our inner child out . Thanks so much for sharing.

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Inner Child Meditation Empty Re: Inner Child Meditation

Post by Spirit-Being February 26th 2009, 11:57 pm

This is Beautiful, i have always wondered why i was in such a rush to grow up. I loved who i was at the age of innocence. I do feel the need to connect with my inner child, and will hopefully do so more. Inner Child Meditation Teleport Thank You HypnoDude i will try this Meditation.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Inner Child Meditation Empty Re: Inner Child Meditation

Post by 7meditations March 19th 2009, 1:03 am

Very nice.

Lucky I can remember my child hood, no pics sort of got lost in a move, dis-organized parents.

Love doing the inner child, the only thing is I let it out. Smile Sunny

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Inner Child Meditation Empty Re: Inner Child Meditation

Post by Linda May 12th 2009, 9:17 pm

I am sitting here eating a lollipop while reading your post Hypnodude, and realized how lucky I am that I don't feel like I am 52 years old. I am the little girl I always was, my body matured, but my mind is the same. I still have my playful side, A few years ago I was at a carnival, I was playing the game where you have a fishing rod with a large ring tied to it. The object of the game is to try to lift up a bottle with the ring. I was getting really close, and I heard this kid say "Man, that old lady almost got it!" I looked around to see who almost got it, then realized he was talking about me! Dang!
Another funny story that happened a couple of months ago. I went to a playland with my niece and her young sons. I wanted to ride the Rollercoaster with her boys, but the attendant said I was too big. )-: I spotted a bucking horse, the kind you put a quarter in, and got on it. Wooooooooooo!, I was bucking and laughing so hard, had the time of my life. I noticed some people around me kind of looked shocked to see me on that horse, but It didn't bother me one bit.
I refuse to grow up!


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Inner Child Meditation Empty Re: Inner Child Meditation

Post by Spirit-Being May 14th 2009, 8:12 pm

This is great Linda i think if we let what others say or think about us bother us then we are living a life that is not entirely our own. We have to be who we are by riding the bucking horse, you showed those people watching that day something special. By our actions we can teach others, and you taught some people that day. I have done many things that people would not be able to call sane in this world, i was being me and doing what needed to be done. Maybe some day i will post the most embarassing thing i ever did in my life, and it was on purpose :?: I was so happy to read this post, i have come away with something today that i could not see for a very long time, and that is {Be Yourself} and as long as we are being the way God always knew we could be, then what does it matter if people criticize, or think crazy things about us, i know & believe that we are all children of God.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Inner Child Meditation Empty Re: Inner Child Meditation

Post by parrotlover100 May 17th 2009, 9:17 pm

yes that was a very good post HypnoDude i'm gonna try some fun things to do and stop for a little while and forget that i'm 56 years old and stop worrring about everything. and have fun. Very Happy

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