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Weird dream

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Weird dream Empty Weird dream

Post by SouthernBelle82 September 1st 2009, 3:06 pm

Okay so to make a long story short when I was in the middle of 4th grade my family and I moved to the next county over because my father got a job offer with this other company in his field and he decided to take it. Even though I was sad about leaving all my friends and classmates behind who I've known since kindergarten I knew for some reason even back then it was supposed to happen. My parents found the house we're living at now and loved it and got it. A few min's away there was an elementary school that I went to. In 5th grade all the 5th grade classes did a little act in the talent show. I stayed for the whole thing cause of that and it was the 5th grade. There was this guy who did a little rap and he had two friends who did a little dance behind him while he stood and did his rap. I have no clue the song or what he said to this day. *Shrug* I'm not a big rap fan especially 90's rap I just didn't listen to much music, if any, back then. One of the guys who was doing the dance I was very drawn to. Being in 5th grade I didn't think much of it just that I was physically attracted to him.

In 8th grade we officially met and over time throughout the rest of our education we became friends. We lost touch for a few yrs after high school but thanks to Facebook we've reconnected. I've always had these feelings for him since I first saw him. I asked my guides for advice and I got this weird dream this past week. I'm not sure if it's a message or what. It felt like I was in my dream body and not just watching it (as my dreams generally are that way). In the dream I was camping with a bunch of people. I'm not sure if it was family or friends or what all I knew is I was there with other people. I decided to take some sort of long plastic to this garbage can inside this squared fence. As I was walking down this path I saw the guy and he saw me. I at first was going to play it cool and act like I didn't see him since he was coming up to me. There was this long pavement path and about half-way down another path that went off to the right and went up to this hill. It was like there were two path's and at the middle they connected into one. I was going down the main path and he was coming down the side path and when we connected it was where the paths met.

He said hi and seemed really happy to see me and his face and eyes glowed with this happy warmth. I said hi and I could feel inside I was screaming with excitement but wanted to play it cool. We went to this wooded picnic table and sat down on the same seat. I noticed I was a little close to him so I scooted over some closer to the edge on the left but he scooted closer to me. He asked me how I was and I could feel myself blush. I said I was okay and asked him. He said how he was doing okay but he felt bad cause he took some time off of college because his wife and daughter were very sick and he wanted to take care of them and spend time with them. I remember feeling like I was going to cry and I could feel all his love and concern for the wife and daughter and I remember seeing a gold wedding ring on his finger. The weird thing is in real life he's single and he has a few degree's from university and has a well established job he's been working at for a few years now.

He said how it would be silly if he didn't take that time off and would be communism. That didn't make much sense to me. I remember feeling uneasy because I am a communist. I wanted to say something but I didn't want to start any arguments. After that I woke up. A guide of mine told me that with the dream I was the wife. I could feel all the love. A side note is two Sunday's ago I posted a hi on his Facebook page and he responded and then I sent him an Email recently but haven't heard back from him yet. This time of the year is very busy for his job and he travels a lot with it. I'm just curious what this dream means. I sensed it was some sort of message but I just am not sure what. :help:

Number of posts : 14
Age : 42
Location : Tennessee, USA
Hobbies : Cooking, reading, Karaoke, playing Sims, politics
Tell us about yourself : I'm 27 and majoring in criminal justice.
Appreciation Points : 23
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by d-knots September 1st 2009, 8:02 pm

He said how it would be silly if he didn't take that time off and would be communism.

can you clarify this?

you are a communist in real life.
he was physically close to you in the dream.
somehow, his energy is speaking to you ....
[in the dream state we are relaxed and you have
time to think]
he or you may want to be physically closer or what if you did get physically closer in real life,
.... 'need clarification on the communism comment, please'.....

did he mean he's a traditionalist?

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by SouthernBelle82 September 1st 2009, 8:50 pm

I'm confused as to why bring up the communism too. We communist's care for our families just as much as anyone else does. So I have no clue what that means in the dream. I remember in the dream the part that seemed to really pop out was when he scooted over to me when I moved and we were talking at the table and the part at the paths seemed to slow down a little. What do you mean by traditionalist? "Old fashioned" so to speak? Since I moved and he was the one who moved closer would it be him or me who wants to be closer?

Number of posts : 14
Age : 42
Location : Tennessee, USA
Hobbies : Cooking, reading, Karaoke, playing Sims, politics
Tell us about yourself : I'm 27 and majoring in criminal justice.
Appreciation Points : 23
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by Spirit-Being September 2nd 2009, 6:58 pm

Very Interesting Dream SouthernBelle82

I feel that when you were on the main path, to me this signifies your lifes journey, up until this point. But i see that you may have stopped or slowed down from moving further down your path, i feel you turned around because something was missing from your life, i feel that by facing the V shaped section of the path this tells me that you may have been facing the opposite way from the flow of the journey, behind you was the way you needed to travel but you were waiting for someone, and would not go any further until you found what you were searching for, This man came along and met you at the intersection of the paths, seeing as he was coming towards you and with your excitement could be telling you that you are in need of finding your soul mate, when you do you will feel a completeness and once again be able to travel freely on the path that is set before you. Now seeing he has a ring on his finger, could be telling you that something may happen with a relationship that you did not expect.

Hope this was helpful.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by SouthernBelle82 September 2nd 2009, 7:49 pm

Spirit-Being wrote:Very Interesting Dream SouthernBelle82

I feel that when you were on the main path, to me this signifies your lifes journey, up until this point. But i see that you may have stopped or slowed down from moving further down your path, i feel you turned around because something was missing from your life, i feel that by facing the V shaped section of the path this tells me that you may have been facing the opposite way from the flow of the journey, behind you was the way you needed to travel but you were waiting for someone, and would not go any further until you found what you were searching for, This man came along and met you at the intersection of the paths, seeing as he was coming towards you and with your excitement could be telling you that you are in need of finding your soul mate, when you do you will feel a completeness and once again be able to travel freely on the path that is set before you. Now seeing he has a ring on his finger, could be telling you that something may happen with a relationship that you did not expect.

Hope this was helpful.

Many Blessings

Oh yes it helped. It makes sense about the path and that's what it felt like in a way if that makes sense. I do remember getting to the end of the path though where they had the garbage can and throwing away the long plastic whatever that was and the guy was there with me and we walked to the picnic area. What I'm confused about is why I scooted away from the guy and before I saw he had a wedding ring on. My guides said that yes that path in the dream is life and that's coming through strong and for some reason when I woke up they made sure to say I was the wife he was talking about in the dream. Don't know about the sick part either. But yes I did slow down and stop on the path when I saw the guy and decided to keep walking and he caught up to me and the rest goes on from there. Oh and the path was a V shape but I didn't see the left side of the V around. It was only half a V shape. Oh and as far as the relationship do you mean with me or someone else? Is that why my guides made sure to tell me I was the wife? They know I can go over board with my mind thinking a thousand thoughts. I asked for advice with the guy from them and that's what they sent me.

Number of posts : 14
Age : 42
Location : Tennessee, USA
Hobbies : Cooking, reading, Karaoke, playing Sims, politics
Tell us about yourself : I'm 27 and majoring in criminal justice.
Appreciation Points : 23
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by Spirit-Being September 4th 2009, 10:57 am

There are many unanswered questions about this dream, at the moment nothing else is coming to me, maybe i am not fully awake yet, or maybe the answers will be coming to you very soon. With the relationship part i do feel there will be some sort of surprise or shocker this is what i have felt the dream was telling you, but your guides know better than i do.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by SouthernBelle82 September 4th 2009, 12:15 pm

Spirit-Being wrote:There are many unanswered questions about this dream, at the moment nothing else is coming to me, maybe i am not fully awake yet, or maybe the answers will be coming to you very soon. With the relationship part i do feel there will be some sort of surprise or shocker this is what i have felt the dream was telling you, but your guides know better than i do.

Many Blessings

I talked to a friend on another forum about my dream and she helped to answer a lot of question's. She said the plastic garbage I was carrying in dream symbols is good luck and the garbage can thing too. Our minds are used to seeing garbage and seeing it be negative but she explained how it's good luck. Some sort of surprise or shocker? Hmm. Is that good news? Whenever there is anything dealing with this situation I can feel my love guide holding my right hand if that makes sense. It's like I can feel someone holding my hand to help guide me.

Number of posts : 14
Age : 42
Location : Tennessee, USA
Hobbies : Cooking, reading, Karaoke, playing Sims, politics
Tell us about yourself : I'm 27 and majoring in criminal justice.
Appreciation Points : 23
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by SouthernBelle82 September 9th 2009, 3:12 pm

So I had an updated dream earlier this week. So the guy came on Facebook on Monday cause it was his birthday and he sent a general mass thank you to everyone through his status. He only personally responded to one person and that's cause she said it was her birthday too and she forgot. I was a little sad he didn't respond but he later mentioned he was on a trip so he probably had limited computer time and all. I'm quite the sensitive and can be hard and emotional on myself. When I went to sleep I had this weird dream and it definitely seemed like a message:

The dream started out I was at a football field and was with some friends and I somehow knew we were in college. These guys came walking through the crowd and the people around me were wondering who they were and why they were going to the field. As they passed by someone made the point their shirts said "ESPN" on it and they were black collared shirts and the ESPN was written in a white/gray type color and there were two guys one who was white with black hair and a beard and another who was hispanic or Spanish who had silk black hair. The Hispanic/Spanish guy stopped and said hi and he seemed to know me. I couldn't remember him but then I did and mentioned how he was the one who came to my families house to borrow our computer and I remembered him. They went over to the football field on the visiting side it looked like. Someone asked why they were here and I mentioned they were here to talk to the guy about him joining their network. Somehow I seemed to know what was going on.

So I was hurt and sad about that and the guy leaving so me and a friend left and went to some building. As we were walking there the friend made the strong point that I should fight for him. Not give him up. I knew she was right and I could feel stronger spiritually and ready to fight and I was going to tell him how I feel and that he wouldn't leave my life. After that I was in some room with a bunch of animals, mostly slimy, and still making up my plan on how I was going to fight. I've never been that way before.

Number of posts : 14
Age : 42
Location : Tennessee, USA
Hobbies : Cooking, reading, Karaoke, playing Sims, politics
Tell us about yourself : I'm 27 and majoring in criminal justice.
Appreciation Points : 23
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by SouthernBelle82 September 9th 2009, 3:13 pm

Oh and the friends in the dream I didn't know in real life.

Number of posts : 14
Age : 42
Location : Tennessee, USA
Hobbies : Cooking, reading, Karaoke, playing Sims, politics
Tell us about yourself : I'm 27 and majoring in criminal justice.
Appreciation Points : 23
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Weird dream Empty Re: Weird dream

Post by Wind-Dancer September 9th 2009, 8:35 pm

This person has become a sort of fixture in your mind. I suspect that there may be some shared qualities between the two of you .I suspect you've internalized the image of him and acquired it for yourself. His presence, as you're describing it, is as a passive observer in your dreams, always present, always watching, but never speaking or interacting with you. I suspect that he's become a part of your psyche, and he sort of sits in on your dreams to represent a part of your childhood.
I think it's possible that he may be a sort of guide for you, a model of a different set of behaviors that you could be exhibiting in the specific circumstances that you're dreaming about, but, considering the wide amount of material your brain has surely cycled through in your dreams, I can't be sure of that. Most likely, he is a representative of a part of yourself that you have forgotten or left behind.

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