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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 21st 2009, 12:56 pm

I have mentioned the movie esoteric agenda on a few subjects. I have found a typed script of the movie, and am going to post most of it here.

Now I say "most" becasue there is a large section that talks about government and things that some people on here are sensitive to, or that they dont nesessaraly have anything to do with the subject of this forum. So I will only post parts that direcrtly pertain to our history as a species, and spirituality. Please enjoy!

“the more humanity strayes from its origin, the more we deny ourbond with nature, and the further from perfection we become”

“we are the only creatures on this planet that use symbols in reference to something else”

"Every 26,000 years our solar system passes through the 12 zodiac signs.

Ancient civilisations such as the Hopi, Eyptians, Cherokey, Apache and the Mayans were aware of this great cycle and developed calendars according to it. This cycle stems from many different occurences in nature such as the sun's orbit around Alcion, the central star of Plaides as well as the 260 day cycle of human gestation.

This cycle is broken down into 5 sub cycles of 5,125 years each (00.32), which were thought to have their own age.

The Aztec calendar or Meso American Sun Stone depicted each cycle as being destroyed by one of the 5 elements.

The cycle we are currently is the age of the 5th sun 3113BC to 2012AD. More precisely this Great Cycle ends December 21st 2012.

Mayan cultrures and civilisations were aware of this end date and Nostradamus even prophesised about it. (01.02)

4 Earth, which we are currently in now, is also known as the movement, shift, evolution and consciousness. Living Maya time-keepers proclaim that the Earth has been through fire, earth, air and water. The final element is ether or centre.

The Hopi believe that the 4th world of destruction closes and the 5th world of peace begins on December 21st 2012. The Great Cycle is broken down into what the Mayans believe to be 13 Baktans. (01.33) Earth began its 13th Baktan in 1618 which was known as the triumph of materialism as well as the time of great forgetting, in the prediction that humanity will lose the awareness of their true bond with nature by means of external possessions. This is where ego and domination became the predominant ambition of the civilised world. Not surprisingly this time frame was precisely when the world wide co-ordination of Pope Gregory 13th forced the 12 month calendar as well as the first mechanical clock onto indiginous peoples. (02.03)This is what's known as the error in time. Before the inception of the two instruments by the Roman Catholic Church, each year was divided into 13 moon cycles, with 28 days each. But the most detrimental part of these two instruments was the insinuation that time was something external, something inorganic and outside the body that we must watch and obey.

The 7th century Mayan prophet Pacal Votan (2.30) left a powerful message for future generations of evolution. If humanity wishes to save itself from biospheric destruction, it must return to living in natural time. He also foretold of our accelerated technological society and of the damage of our collective divergence from natural law in exchange for material values.

Astrology and the studies of the heavens are as old as civilisation. Throughout the past several thousand years, new religions have all but replaced the pagan religions (3.00) of prior years. Man has been so thoroughly fascinated with these objects in the sky that they formed constellations from them and applied stories to them. In Greek mythology these were personified as the Gods. We notice in the structures that still stand to this day that the most ancient of civilisations put forth more wealth, power, time and effort into the locations of the stars than any other practice. This is commonly written off as simple curiosity. But the truth is becoming clearer (03.30) by the day as we close in on the zero year of December 21st 2012.

It is a common misconception that the pagan religion is rarely practiced today. In fact, paganism in its evolution is the most widely practiced form of religion. You may ask yourself how this is possible. The answer is hidden in nearly all of our current popular religions. But who would have the power and the desire to integrate a seemingly long-gone religion into such popular opposite denominations? (04.01)

If this is your first time hearing about the occult or are unaware of its dominance in the world to this day, pay close attention. Pagan symbols, gods, rituals and doctrines are the basis for almost every religious practice throughout the world. The Christian or Catholic symbols of the cross derived from the solstice and the equinox division lines on the zodiac calendar (07.33). The word 'heaven' is in reference to what pagan religions refer to as 'the heavens' or 'galactic bodies' and the crossing of the age of Pices into Aquarius is actually in reference to constellations which interestingly enough occur at the exact same time as the Great Cycle prophesised by the Maya as well as many other cultures.

As said before, panthiastic rituals are prevalent in all monotheistic religions today. (08.00)

Circumcision is a pagan ritual marking males in a ceremonial fashion. Weddings are pagan by nature in the wearing of a ring which symbolises the ring of Saturn.

Funerals follow the same pagan derived ritual when a sacred geometrical tomb is placed over a grave to embody and immortalise the spirit.

Baptism is a ritual to submerge a child in holy water to symbolise the renewal of life, just as rain replenishes the earth.

The Holy Grail filled with wine is a representation of the blood that comes from the birth canal during menstruation, not the blood of Christ. This ritual was taken over by the patriarchical society. Males could not give life as women do, so to symbolise a male giving life was to draw blood which could only be done by injury. (08.49).

In ancient Egypt the godess Isis was the personification of wisdom. Pharaoh Arknarton? changed the worship to himself as he proclaimed himself Amen-Ra, the sun god.

The word 'amen' at the end of a prayer respond from the praise given to Amen-Ra.

From there, the Hebrews left Egypt and travelled north to the Middle East where they encountered the Cananites who worshipped the god of Saturn, El.

The merging of these three gods became the name of the land today, which is known as Isis Ra El - or Israel.

98% of Judaism is based around the worship of Saturn (09.31). The symbol for Saturn is the same as the Star of David and the sacred day of worship is Saturday.

The worship practiced on Sunday is originated from the Egyptians who worship the Sun god.

Most people simply pass these things off and never question their origins. But this just scratches the surface of the pagan influences over the present day. It is not just found in religions. It is found right here in our own back yard. (10.00)

If you still don't believe that the mystery religion is present today, just look around you. There are literally thousands of statues and emblems of ancient religions on every political establishment. Even on military uniforms these symbols are found everywhere. Not only in our country; the same emblems are found on every nation's military uniform.

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
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Registration date : 2009-09-25

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 21st 2009, 1:05 pm

All of this starts making perfect sense when you abandon vanity, abandon materialism, abandon all the bull that separates human beings from what is natural.

We were born naked creatures of the earth to eat and drink of the earth to live and die by the earth in natural time, time that exists only within us, not without us because without us, there is no time and there is no earth.

(8.29) Abandon all intellect, abandon all formalities, abandon etiquette and courtesies, abandon language and words altogether. Nature doesn't require any of them.

They are pointless distractions created by miserable people who cannot stand to see their own reflections. They hate themselves because somewhere along the line, they have denied what the universe provided for them.

The natural body isn't good enough for them so they alter it with surgery and make-up and clothing and hours upon hours of unnatural, inorganic, painful excercises at the gym to punish their natural body and replace it with a completely false representation of themselves so in depth and so complex that it is nearly impossible to recognise what the earth gave to them in the first place.

----This is all ive found so far....... i hope to find more of the transcript.... or ill jsut do the lst par t of it myself..... Enjoy


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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by WhiteShaman October 22nd 2009, 8:32 am

(8.29) Abandon all intellect, abandon all formalities, abandon etiquette and courtesies, abandon language and words altogether. Nature doesn't require any of them.

The energy in that statement feels a lot like the energy from a recent visitor to this forum.
I’m curious, in your own words, what do you feel that statement means?
Peace and Blessings,

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Location : Connecticut, USA
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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 22nd 2009, 10:03 am

I think that its trying to say that we have to forgert to learn. There are so many distractions in the world today, things like TV and such, that distracct us from nature, and really make it difficult to actually have some form of silence mentaly.

Im not saying that nature is quiet, on the contray. But nature has a balance to it. Were more part of the "song". The things that we make are dead, they dont feel, therefore there sound is dead, and really conflicts with the balane of nature.

We all know that going back and listining to the signs that nature showes us the truth about ouselves, and the way that we need to go to vreate a better future. Many civilizations talk about the importiance of nature, other wise why whould they worship everything that has to do with it.

Im not saying that these things are bad, and I dont think that that the movie is saying there bad. People just need to learn to get away and in a word...... listin.

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Registration date : 2009-09-25

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by WhiteShaman October 22nd 2009, 10:20 am

I wonder though…..is listening, good enough?
In my mind, listening connects us to all that is and this allows all that is to talk to us in the context of the overall so that when we listen, we hear what we are to “DO” in regards to the balance and overall growth of all that is.
My experience is that we can get into a mood of only listening and living life where all we do is float around, moved by the currents.
That didn’t work for me and it promoted dispassion and an emotionless state. This is what I was trying to share with Nameless as I sensed this energy about him.
I feel that we are creation, we need to be active in co-creating so that we evolve into the glorious beings that we are as well as the planet and all the universe.
Sure we must learn to quiet our minds so that our preconceived teachings and habits go away and we are able to listen to the direction of the universe..but we need to “act” on what we hear. If we act from a place of ignorance and preconceived habits and theologies, we are not listening and we will continue to have what we have now. Chaos.
I’m not disputing your post at all Jesse, nor am I defending it. I am just sharing from my life what comes to mind as I read it.
Thank you,

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 22nd 2009, 10:51 am

The one thing that i thought when i read this, i thought "would you have realized you need to do more then listin, if you hadnt just listined in the first place??"

Ive mentioned a lot about finding a balance in life, equil parts listining and doing, talking and listinging, learning and thinking... I am a person who is very neutral, and I think that it is making this learning experience a bit easier.

I understand about what you mean by emotionless. I felt that a few years ago. It was more like keeping my emotions to myself, then letting them explode. Definetly not the best thing to do. Ive learned to just except them as they come, listin to why they are there, then jsut let them be.

Our emotions are directly im conjunction with our actions. Happines and love makes us act differently then ifi we live in fear or hate. THe small effects the large in other words.....

And dont worry i didnt take it as a dispute... and dont worry, disputes are where the best things are realized usualy. And as you said too, I just type what I feel after reading responses. So dont ever worry about feeling like you disrespected me or are disputing my responses, I welcome it! lol, and if I feel disrespectful, I understand very much so it wasnt with malice. Alot of the times my comments are a bit shambled if you know what i mean. You asking questions makes it easier for me to understand what im tryinto say!!!!


Number of posts : 272
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Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by WhiteShaman October 22nd 2009, 11:05 am

“The one thing that i thought when i read this, i thought "would you have realized you need to do more then listen, if you hadn’t just listened in the first place??"

Great comment!
And it perfectly illustrates something we talked briefly about when you first joined:
We need to unlearn what we know in order to come to that place where real learning and truth are the same thing.
Peace and Blessings,

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 22nd 2009, 12:37 pm

Exactly. I think that to learn, we need to unlearn some of the things that we know. If we want to understand ourselves, we need to listin to that little voice. If we want to get closer to our earth, we need to listin to nature. If we want a great reality, we need to do so with intent on not just ourselves, but everyone around you!

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by WhiteShaman October 22nd 2009, 12:55 pm

So shall it be written, so shall it be done!

Number of posts : 495
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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 22nd 2009, 3:20 pm

I found the rest of it!!!! lol I apperantly went right by it about tree times... Heres the part at the end that I was talking about.....

Illusion and Reality

(Ben Stewart)
The daily life we perceive with our five senses is not reality. Quantum physics has shown that space and time are illusions of perception. Therefore, our bodies cannot truly be a reality if they occupy this space.

(voice of man)
Ernest Rutherford performed an experiment in Manchester that revealed to him the shape of the interior of an atom. Scientists were shocked to discover that the atom is almost entirely empty space. The question then became; how could this empty atom possibly make the solid world around us?

(Ben Stewart)
Our true consciousness does not exist in our brains or in our bodies. But this illusion of our individual bodies, along with the misinformation of our true origins, has manifested the idea that we all think independently from one another.

With this misunderstanding it would seem impossible to scientifically explain telepathy, clairvoyance, spiritual mediums and other phenomenon dealing with transferring information between sources without physical means of communication.

But when you understand that there is a common spiritual bond between all things in the universe and that we are all part of one divine intelligence, no phenomena is unexplainable.

This simple understanding fills all the holes in modern religions. It explains reincarnation, de javu, predictions of the future and literally every event, occurrence or anomaly ever experienced.

The blank matter within the most basic building blocks of perceivable existence is malleable and moulded by intent. This means that consciousness shapes our reality.

This seems difficult to accept for most and this is quite understandable.

In modern times we are taught from a early age how to think rationally and tangibly. This is a very left brain method of education and it has more harmful effects than it is given credit for.

The left brain deals with logic, details, facts, patterns, practicality, science and math.

The right brain deals with feelings, intuition, symbols, images, risk-taking, philosophy and religion.

With a deliberate push for government controlled educational curriculum, generation and generation of the youth are being taught to focus only on the facts and figures and numbers. Repetition is used to train children subconsciously to accept what they are learning.

Children are not rewarded for questioning the validity of the information they receive, they are ridiculed.

However, children who blindly accept the information as true and merely regurgitate the information on command when it is time to take a test, those children go on to become the decision makers in our government, law, medicine, business and any other occupation with power and prestige. (9.52)

The most detrimental effect of being pushed away from holistic thinking with the full brain, into a strictly left brain thought, is what is known as the suppression of the feminine.

Every male and female have both feminine and masculine qualities. It has nothing to do with man or woman. These are represented by the left and right brain. Yin and Yang. Black and white. Light and dark. And most every other duality.

Both are vital to our spiritual and physical health. In Ancient Egypt the female was the rightful heir to the crown. The male she chose to marry became the pharaoh. This depicted the goddess tradition that has been destroyed to make way for a patriarchal male dominated society we have seen forced in every major denomination.

In suppressing the feminine of every society and pushing the people to strictly left brain thinking, the natural ability for humanity to feel earthly cosmic and personal energy and became lost.

Traditions that were past on through shamans, witch doctors, magicians, psychics and seers of all kinds became outlawed and ridiculed and given the stigma of something out of a Hollywood movie.

Every religion explains that we are children of God and have Godliness inside of us.

If you erase the anthropomorphised God and understand that God is nothing more than the spiritual web that connects all things, all religious scriptures begin to make much more sense.

Our bodies are merely vessels that contain our spirit to gather experience for the divine mind..

This is how evolution is possible. It is scientifically proven that all species are evolving into more complex beings. Innate knowledge or racial memory within all species is the understanding of newborns of all kinds to automatically know specific details and traits that the mother does not have to teach them.

Therefore, innate knowledge helps every species naturally evolve towards more complex organisms.

Lyle Watson claims that it was a Japanese scientist who observed the 100th monkey effect in 1952. In this observation he discovered that a certain portion or percentage of monkeys learned or developed a new trait, the knowledge became an innate ability in that species. This is further testimony to a collective consciousness among species.

Everything in existence has a natural vibration to it. From our atoms all the way to the vastness of the universe. To show a simple connection between the earth and our bodies, take a look at our body’s harmonic focal points, better known as our chakras. Just as there are harmonic focal points on a guitar string, there are locations within our body where our vibrations culminate. In eastern philosophies, these 7 chakras are used to bring health and balance in our physical and spiritual body. Our Earth also has 7 chakra points at equally distant locations from one another.

There is one chakra point on each continent.
The root chakra is in Mount Shasta, California
The sexual chakra is in the Isle of the Sun, Lake Titicaca in South America
The solar plexus chakra is in the Uluru Kata Tjuta in Australia
The heart chakra is in Glastonbury or Shaftsbury, England
The throat chakra is where the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt are
The heart chakra is at Kuh-e Malek Siah in Iran
And the crown chakra is at Mount Kailas in Tibet.

Scientifically this is explained because at the core of our Earth there is a molten iron crystal that resonates at approximately 7 Hertz.

There are energy vortexes all over the Earth where electric magnetic energy emanates. There are also several vile vortexes surrounding the equator where strange anomalies occur such as radio and compass malfunctions as well as plane and ship disappearances. You may have heard of a few of these.

Text on screen:

The Bermuda Triangle
Devils Sea Atlantis

So the intangible parts of our existence such as emotions are part of the true reality of higher consciousness. If emotions are part of the realm that we cannot experience with our five senses, then how is it that we are all aware of our emotions? What most people believe to be emotions are not truly the emotion itself. What we are experiencing is a physical manifestation of these emotions.

Anger causes disturbance in the psyche which manifests itself in the ego. These manifestations cause the heart-rate to increase, body temperature to rise and spawn many other physical traits that signify anger.

Just as music from the radio is a physical manifestation of an intangible signal, our experience of emotion is the physical manifestation of an intangible signal as well.

It has been shown that our emotions have a vibratory frequency to them. Furthermore, there are only two emotions that humankind experience. Fear and Love. All other emotions branch either directly or indirectly from these two emotions.

Fear has a long and slow frequency vibration to it, while love has a very rapid and high frequency to it.

To show that vibrations are the very foundation of our existence Hans Jenny? developed what is known as cymatics in the 1940s to show that when vibrations of sound are passed through a form of media, there is a set pattern that will follow. When the frequency increases, the media develops into a more complex pattern.

This is precisely what is happening to our earth and humanity. There are 64 possible codes of amino acids in our DNA structure made from 4 elements – carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. By any means of logic, we should have all 64 codes activated within our DNA structure. Yet we presently only have 20 active codes.

(Man speaking)
And of these 64 possibilities it appears that only 20 of these codes are turned on right now for us. The 20 amino acids. There is a switch that turns off and turns on where those coding sites lie and at the switch for that turning off and turning on is what we call emotion and this is the first time that we have ever seen the patterns of emotion directly physically linked to human genetic material. Well, fear is a long slow wave of emotion, so this wave of fear is a long slow wave and touches relatively few sites on this DNA, so an individual living in fear is limited to the number of antenna they have available to them.

Whereas an individual living in the pattern of love, this is love, and you can see it has a higher frequency shorter wave length, we have many more potential sites for coding along that genetic pattern.

This information is amazing. This is the first time we have ever had a hard digital link between emotion and genetics.

(Ben Stewart)
This is important to understand because another researcher named Vladimir Pokenov? measured tiny particles of light called photons inside a vacuum tube. The photons were scattered as expected. A sample of DNA was then entered into the vacuum tube and they measured the photons again. They found that the particles of light aligned themselves along the axis of the DNA. Then as they removed the DNA sample the photons remained aligned to the same form of the DNA even though no DNA was present. This is what is known as the phantom DNA experiment.

Science has now bridged a very important gap between physical and ethereal or spiritual. Our emotions directly effect the structure of our DNA which directly shapes the physical world we experience every day.

So the messages left by the ancients that we have explained here were more than just prophesies about a One World Government or New World Order. We now understand why the study of the heavenly bodies was so important. The rotation and orbit of all that makes up our universe serves as a clock to map changes and transitions.

This helped the ancients understand that the changes in the heavenly bodies were a mirror to the changes of all existence.

December 21st 2012 is simply a natural transition from one form of energy to the next. The transcendental evolution of man. This date is what is known as zero point.

Our Sun as well as our planet Earth is losing its magnetic field as the Earth is slowing in its rotation. All the while its base resonance frequency also known as the Schumann ? cavity resonance is increasing in accordance with predictable sequence of the Fibonecci theory.

At a cellular level, our bodies respond to an electro magnetic pulse. The ancients called this the sacred circuit. The cells receive this pulse from the brain, which receives its pulse from the heart, which receives its pulse from the Earth. This pulse comes from the Solar System which from there comes from the Galaxy, which ultimately comes from our entire Universe. We literally share a pulse with all of existence. Yet another example of everything being one.

For as long as scientists have been recording the Earth’s pulse, it has remained at approximately 7.8 cycles per second. This was a constant fixed number until 1986/87. It rapidly began increasing to about 9 cycles per second in 1996. So in one decade it increased by about 2 cycles per second. By 2012 this pulse will be right around 13 cycles per second, just as the Fibonacci theory indicates.

What does this mean for humanity? Just as cymatics has shown that higher frequencies result in more complex patterns, we are now experiencing the beginning of a major shift in both physical and spiritual vibration. (9.46)

Last edited by frankanne; 04-09-2008 at 01:35 PM.

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 22nd 2009, 3:21 pm

It is difficult to understand what exactly will happen to our physical bodies but ancient scriptures, pagan and monotheistic religions, mystery schools and secret fraternal orders have all given indications as to what this experience will be like.

0.14 Text on screen (no speaking)
King James Bible
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Book of Mormons
The Tibetan Book of the Dead

This will be the shift of the ages, the transcendental period of monumental changes to humanity.

Those unprepared for this transition will likely not be able to cope with the rapid changes in the psyche. The only way to prepare for what is to come is what we have sought after for our entire lives.


Not the truth about governments, commerce, religions, terrorism or anything external, but the truth within ourselves, within our psyche and our shadow self.

Especially in the western cultures, we are taught that being normal means only being happy, never sad; only loving and never angry; only forgiving and never jealous.

This sounds plausible but it isn’t. We are not meant to repress any negative emotions because it causes imbalance. To conquer our emotions, we must embrace them, not fight them. We must acknowledge them and allow them to serve their purpose as we learn from them.

The ancient Assene? culture left teachings dating back about 6000 years. They taught that our relationships with one another, with the Universe and with situations and events are mirrors of the parts of our psyche that need to be cleansed.

Author Gregg Braden beautifully explains this entire segment at great length in his work. His hard work in understanding these subjects contributed largely to the marriage between science and spirituality.

It is very important to understand that when you fear loss, fear death, fear war, fear terrorism or fear change, you are giving others the ability to control you based on those fears.

When you fight against poverty or against racism, when you fight for relationships or for freedom, you are outwardly attempting to repress that which has been placed before you to conquer inwardly.

These situations are mirrors of our fears. This is why it is important to love and only love. Love those who stand with you but especially those who stand against you. Do not look at your fears as a threat. Rather, understand that this material world is only a physical manifestation of either the love or fear in your consciousness.

It is as plain as day. All you need to conquer in your life is in your face. If you want to understand what your true inner fears are, analyse your ambitions and your inhibitions.

Everything explained here about the esoteric agenda of the elite few at the very top is nothing to fear. They have been at work for thousands of years behind the scenes to manipulate humanity and it has worked, until now.

(man speaking)
It is very easy for any system of thought, religious or otherwise, that comes along. It is very easy to play on that, to play on our insecurities. To assure us all is well. We will be taken care of. We lap that up. So don’t blame religion; blame our own insecurities, which has allowed religion to flourish and which has allowed so many systems of thought that are disempowering to flourish throughout human history. That’s why we can’t get out of it.

(man speaking)
Ron Sedgley, Department Chairman, Chemistry at University of California, Berkley, showed that DNA acts as an antenna for cellular up-regulation. The primary function they taught us about what DNA is about. It is a receiver and transmitter of photons, light, and phonons, sound. For what? Cellular up-regulation.

Meaning that they are water molecules. The pyramid power around the DNA spiral energising strands are taking in the spiritual energy of love vibrations and sending it out for manifesting precipitating in a quantum field the physical matter of the body.

These are hertz frequencies or cycles per second that the musicians can re-tune their instruments to play and experiment with.

Why? Again these are the Creator’s musical scale, the original solfeggio, buried for 3000 years in the Bible.

So the ancient priests who knew how to levitate the huge stones for the building of the pyramids and the Masonic knowledge that pre-dates ancient Egypt. The ability to have this information, these frequencies serve the function of creation, destruction and miracles on behalf of the empowered people who had access to this knowledge.

I say that because of this metaphor. This is the difference between the power of the Creator and anything else, particularly evil.

You can go into a pitch black room, full of evil, full of darkness and light a little candle and instantly that darkness flees.

But you cannot do the opposite. You cannot go into a well lit room full of truth and wisdom and righteousness and joy and health and harmony with the universal power. You cannot take up any amount of darkness and go into that well lit room and have any effect whatsoever.

That is the metaphor which I frequently think of when I think that I am not empowered. It is the greatest lesson for me and I think for everybody else to know that we are on the winning side and that we will win in the end.

(Ben Stewart)
As you are watching this, understand that it is not a fight to be fought. It is not a war to be waged. No gun rights have to be exercised. Not a finger has to be lifted.

Most people wonder how one person can make a difference. They ask that if all this is so simple and this information is available, why has not someone else conquered their fears and changed the world for everyone else.

This is the most difficult and beautiful conundrum to realise. Your reality affects you and only you. Your curiosity has led you to this genre of information to serve a very specific purpose in your life.

To understand visually how the Universe is truly a hologram, a math professor at Yale University developed a formula that is plugged into a computer programme. Named after him, the Manobret Set? Shows a seemingly disorganised pattern but no matter how far you zoom into the design, you will always find the same pattern within the whole pattern. Each fractal broken down infinitely, will always reflect the whole. When one fractal changes its pattern, the sum total of the whole pattern changes along with it.

This exemplifies that the whole world does not need to be awoken. There is no race to inform the 6 billion people on this planet of this message. It is only important that you personally learn to conquer your inner-most fears and learn to love.

When you see your fears for what they are and master your emotions, then, and only then, will you truly be free.

Text: What Will You Do?

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 22nd 2009, 3:22 pm

Thats it!!!! The movie has much much more.... But like i said this is most of he info that pertains to our forum, in my opinion that is.....


Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by WhiteShaman October 22nd 2009, 3:29 pm

You know...I'm alot older than you, I may not have enough time left to read all that! Ha!
Hopefully I can look at it all tonight but in any case, thanks for taking the time to share it!

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
Hobbies : Art, Nature, Volunteer work
Appreciation Points : 543
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 22nd 2009, 3:34 pm

Read it before bedtime Razz And if your older, that means you know how to speed read..... hahah

Hope everyone enjoys it

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by WhiteShaman October 23rd 2009, 7:54 am

canadianmind wrote:Thats it!!!! The movie has much much more.... But like i said this is most of he info that pertains to our forum, in my opinion that is.....


Amazing how much it relates to what we have been talking about on the forum recently.
I like how it depicts how much one person can make a difference!
Great Post!

Number of posts : 495
Location : Connecticut, USA
Hobbies : Art, Nature, Volunteer work
Appreciation Points : 543
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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"Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda" Empty Re: "Exerpts from "The Esoteric Agenda"

Post by canadianmind October 23rd 2009, 9:57 am

But lots of things say that one person can make a difference. In matters of reality and time, small changes ripple to bigger effects. Its really enligntening !

Number of posts : 272
Location : Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Hobbies : Playing guitar, reading, self discovery,music, hiking, fishing, martial arts lots more
Tell us about yourself : Seeking to know more about myself, ourselves, and our connection to eatchother and the universe
Appreciation Points : 342
Registration date : 2009-09-25

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