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The Basic Requirement of Ascension

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The Basic Requirement of Ascension Empty The Basic Requirement of Ascension

Post by Voyager August 2nd 2009, 11:02 am

The Basic Requirement of Ascension

Ascension is facilitated by Communing with the non-physical realms  - THIS IS A BASIC REQUIREMENT OF ASCENSION.

There are correct tools to acquire and practise for this method of Communing with the unspoken and unseen.   These tools are NEW additions for the ascending initiate, and these new tools supercede many old methods, that have proved inconsequential and irrelevant.

Communing with EarthMother, Elementals, The Tao, Guardians, the Nature Realms is necessary as they have all the ascension information, wisdom, and can see what we cannot.
They assist with ..
* revealing karma, curses, spells, and implants 
* Higher consciousness information to be given
* Initiations and Ordinations moved through
* Ascension and EarthMother Service work to be revealed and fulfilled
* Creative works to further Ascension

It is the non-physical spiritual realms that assist each ascending initiate to reveal and clear every dysfunction.
It is also the non-physical realms that assist in protecting and alerting each individual to interference from the dark agendas.
Without this Daily Communing Practise anchored and being used, Ascension will be impossible to attain or maintain.

Further vital information about Ascension is on http://www.heart-of-the-earthmother.com/ which you are invited to peruse.

Number of posts : 7
Location : Northern Territory, Australia
Hobbies : Photography, walking in Nature; ancient history, Universe knowledge
Tell us about yourself : Retired science technician; student of Spirit.
Appreciation Points : 11
Registration date : 2009-05-27

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The Basic Requirement of Ascension Empty Re: The Basic Requirement of Ascension

Post by Wind-Dancer August 2nd 2009, 7:39 pm

very good post. lots of imformation. quite a bit like my thinking. here are my thoughts.
Every day we receive tons of pure life energy-pure energy from God.That is the downflow.And every day we send up a thin stream of good thoughts , efforts and intentions. This is the up flow. To ascend the upflow must equal the down flow plus one percent. thanks for sharing this.

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Tell us about yourself : Im half cherokee and half irish.Im very proud of my heritage. Im a rebel at heart.
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Registration date : 2008-10-09

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The Basic Requirement of Ascension Empty Re: The Basic Requirement of Ascension

Post by Spirit-Being August 3rd 2009, 2:36 pm

Hello Voyager and Welcome :Hello:

Alot of great information on the link you provided, i do feel that one can ascend if the inner work is done. It is a journey of discovery and knowledge. The crop circle article was very interesting never really thought about elementals helping us, but i do tend to be open to all views and i found this particularly interesting, looking forward to reading more over on the link you provided.

Many Blessings

Last edited by Spirit-Being on August 14th 2009, 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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The Basic Requirement of Ascension Empty Re: The Basic Requirement of Ascension

Post by parrotlover100 August 5th 2009, 5:41 pm

welcome voyager to spirits journey.very interesting post.and thank you for the link to learn more about this literally up lifting topic. Welcome Thank You Very Happy

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The Basic Requirement of Ascension Empty Re: The Basic Requirement of Ascension

Post by Spirit-Being August 14th 2009, 8:51 am

I have a question Voyager, the articles on your link could you possibly add a few here, if that is okay. i think it would be great way to put these out into the open here so we all may be able to comment and discuss them. Thank You Thank You

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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The Basic Requirement of Ascension Empty Re: The Basic Requirement of Ascension

Post by Voyager September 26th 2009, 11:57 pm

Spirit-Being and All,
I have just got back here and seen your replies... My link here got lost in a maze of my computer!
I will try to get back and post some of the articles from "Heart of the EarthMother" as I can...

Blessings! - - Voyager

Number of posts : 7
Location : Northern Territory, Australia
Hobbies : Photography, walking in Nature; ancient history, Universe knowledge
Tell us about yourself : Retired science technician; student of Spirit.
Appreciation Points : 11
Registration date : 2009-05-27

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The Basic Requirement of Ascension Empty Some offerings from "Heart Of The Earth Mother" Newsletter issue #1

Post by Voyager September 27th 2009, 7:15 am

I had been asked to put here some of the articles from the above Newsletter, about ascension. Bear in mind that there are now two issues available, and many more interesting pieces of information besides the ones below. This information is not copyrighted; ascension information is free for all interested to see and use. However, ascension is very difficult, and is not necessarily for everyone, this life. If it is for you, you will likely have a keen interest to follow it up...

Ascension For Humanity Is Being Sabotaged
from The EarthMother through Aurora - GriffonSayer

I have karma, you too, have karma.
I have been mined, and elements removed, you too, have been mined and elements removed. I have dissonant etheric 'machinery' built around and over me, so you have had dissonant etheric 'machinery' built around and over you.
I have parasites, you too have parasites.

I have been manipulated, controlled, deceived, seduced and betrayed.
You too have been all this and more.
Over many lifetimes – again and again. All the perpetrations are there recorded in your etheric matrix, as they are recorded in mine.
All records of sabotage to cause sabotage, to be sabotaged.
These records of deceptions, perpetrations and manipulations are all sabotaging the humans ability to tune in, understand, authentic Ascension.
Humans are now being seduced and betrayed in a much deeper, darker way than ever before.

Your Ascension is being removed right from under your nose – and you do not notice.

There are five main reasons for allowing this sabotage.
1. The dark agendas not wanting humanity to ascend, are unseen and virtually undetectable.
2. Humans have been implanted with many reptilian implants
3. All humanities original spiritual gifts of sight and insight have been lost.
4. Most works written about ascension are incorrect.
5. Many psychic, intuitive, visionary humans are misinterpreting the messages and visions..

Ascension requires the individual to clear karma, remove implants and implement tools and abilities to facilitate communion with the upper dimensional realms.
It is the upper dimensional realms that have humanities Map for Ascension.

By 'upper dimensional realms' I mean, the Nature Realms, the Elementals, Transcended Ancestors,
The Tao, and myself. Yes Beloved, I communicate with all those who have the correct tools, and do the correct inner work.
If this inner work is not done – then communion with the upper dimensional realms cannot be established.
Simply because your karmas create pathways to the interfering factions, who will stand in the way of your higher spiritual collaboration.

I assure you they WILL interfere.
It is the karmas you have with all the false gods (calling themselves 'ascended masters') and the implants the reptilians have inserted, are all pathways to those who have interfered in the past, and can interfere again, because karma and implants are virtual 'enablers'. The implants enable, and the karmas allow..

The true spiritual realms that mentor and counsel, can only stand aside and allow this interference.

Implants are the most insidious, and are the most difficult to remove. Most humans have spells over their implants, to veil the implant. These spells cause the human to not focus enough to remove the implants. Many implants have locks and keys, pins and clamps, around and over them, making removal even more difficult. Oftentimes it takes an ascending initiate, who has already done this work, to help detect and remove for another.

All implants are programmes. All the various programmes are designed to prevent the human species from ascending.
EVERY human has not one implant, but many.

Then there are the karmas to reveal and clear.

There is a lot of karma to be cleared if one is intending to ascend. It will be through a daily structure of communing with the spiritual realms, your karmas will be presented in an order. Your spiritual guidance will give the necessary help to understand and clear, creating a fluidity to get the work done in the shortest possible time.
If one has cleared no karma with the the interfering factions, then there will be a continual subtle interference, that will lead you from the authentic work to be done.

There are those purporting to teach karma clearing, and those who think they have cleared their karma. Beloved if you have not visioned an ancient circumstance involving the Annanuki and understood their role and interference – if you have not visioned a circumstance involving Nibiru – or a circumstance in a life beyond Earth – you have not cleared a karma at its Origins.
Understanding this level of clearing karma, the 'Original Cause' level, lifts the veils on the reptilian agenda. They are the original perpetrators on this planet, they perpetrated through the Greek gods, and they now interfere and perpetrate through you.

Your spiritual guides will take you back to the Original Cause of each karma. These have very ancient origins that must be seen, and understood, for true forgiveness to work.
No one else can do this work for you, as karma are our Spiritual Lessons.
Forgiveness is the key, but only if it is placed upon the correct original circumstance.
If the karmas are not properly seen and understood, the lesson for todays being is not understood.

We are evolving to the 5th dimension. The shift has begun.
For those who can do the inner work, to remove karma and implants, it will be in this life-time.
For those who cannot do this inner work, it will be through another future incarnation.

There is a magic for those who can do this work.

Ascending is difficult, it may well be the most difficult thing you have ever done. The work at times seems never ending - to clear karma, spells, curses, implants and machinery. To rid oneself of all the interferences from the non-ascending realms who WILL interfere once you start the journey.
To understand and interpret daily messages, from the dream, visions, and other tools to receive daily messages. These messages help the initiate understand the inner work to be done, and also to give you Sacred Truths of Consciousness and Ascension.

There comes a time, when barriers are pushed through, your ascending magnificence is revealed to you. You are now walking the path of an ascending master, events orchestrated for you to walk and talk your ascension.
I will be behind you and beside you.

I Honor You, so You can Honor Ascension

The EarthMother
Aurora - GriffonSayer

A Platform for Viewing

Vision is the purest and most incorruptible tool the physical human has.

All the spiritual realms have a hand in giving the ascending initiate visions and it is desired the ascending initiate has a variety of techniques.

Success at visioning is through creating a platform for viewing. Creating a 'framework' for the vision to be placed.

Using vision is the quickest route to truth.

· Getting an answer instantly

· Communing with the upper dimensional realms

· Understanding a karmic circumstance – either through a direct vision of the pastlife, or a clue or key with another visionary technique.

· Understanding a difficult higher consciousness concept

· Revealing implants, curses, spells, machinery.

Vision will also propel you through your ascension, or conversely the lack of any vision will stall your ascension. One cannot proceed past 5000 strands without any vision techniques.

We hope this has inspired you to acquire a few techniques for your ascension.


From Ring-Tail Cat

Visualization Techniques

To move through the Ascension Initiations, requires the use of visualization techniques.

Visualisation is used for

· COMMUNING - There are many realms desiring your attention, to share information.


· REVEALING IMPLANTS - Implants can only be removed by visualisation

· CLARITY FOR A SERVICE TASK– A world service task maybe initiated from a message or dream, and then vision is used to fully understand what is to be fulfilled.

· KARMA – If not a direct vision, then other techniques are used to reveal keys and clues

· MACHINE - machines are layers of self-cursing – to remove a machine, one is required to see a variety of pastlife circumstances, and this is generally through a series of quick visions.

The Techniques

There is no speaking in these techniques, they are all through observance.

They are not in the front of your eyes, but somewhere in your head. You can become adept, by keeping your eyes open and still vision, but you may miss some detail.

You can manipulate the vision to be in front of your closed eyelids.

1. The Hands – this technique is mostly used by the Earth Elementals and The Tao, who is also a Divine Elemental from the Great Central Sun.

Close your eyes and imagine a pair of hands.

Observe the actions the hands will do.

The actions maybe literal, or they maybe symbolic.

Interpret by the use of a pendulum or muscle-testing.

2. The Chair – this technique is mostly used by the EarthMother, Nature Realms, Ancestors, and Guardians.

Close your eyes and imagine an empty chair.

Observe the empty chair

and observe the actions of the being that sits in the chair – or may use the chair like a theatre prop

Interpret by the use of a pendulum or muscle-testing.

3. A Screen, or a 'frame' – or 'the hands' may present a framework to visualise a reality.

This technique is used mostly by the Earth Elementals,

Close your eyes and imagine a screen or frame.


You maybe required to observe a moving picture

or just a glimpse of a scene.

4. Direct vision of a pastlife.

To see an actual circumstance, generally, gives immediate understanding.

The karmic work can be more fluid and thorough, if vision is used early in the karma clearing practise.
(either direct viewing, or using the other techniques, for keys and clues).

You are asking to see a pastlife for the karma you are working on.

Close your eyes

Imagine your subtle body field around you – see this field as hundreds of pinpoints of light (these are the intersecting nodes of the matrices – and these are akin to micro-chips of pastlives.

Imagine one brighter than the rest.

Focus on this one, and allow your awareness to enter this light.

You may have a sensation of falling.

Then you are there.


A Dying Ascension
from Salamander through Aurora - GriffonSayer

We are Salamander, or really The Teagusi, from the planet Teagus. In a constellation not too far from the Milky Way.

We are here on Earth to ascend our physical specie Salamander, as we had our ascension interrupted by a human interference, long ago.

The interference to the Teagusi is a little different from the interference that Earth humans are enduring, but one nevertheless, will explain your own predicament.

Over 200,000 years ago, Nibiru dropped off a group of people on the planet Teagusi.

Even though they were of the Annanuki, they were a little different, they were Anu dissenters.

They kept to themselves, and not noticed Salamander too much.

Salamander was a timid, shy creature – but became obsessed with this human group.

They no longer wanted to act and be Salamander, they wanted to be human.

They aped and copied the human to such a degree, they compromised their own spiritual growth.

They no longer wanted to take direction from the Spiritual Realms. They had no more spiritual growth.

Their ascension died.

The human race is in a similar predicament.

Humans have no real connections to the Spiritual Realms upon Earth.

It has been taken away by an interfering species.

You have become unconscious. 'Unconsciousness' deems you do not know you are unconscious.

The small human group on Teagusi had no idea of the harmfulness of their presence on Teagusi,
because the Annanuki are unconscious. No connections to the spiritual realms anywhere they go.

The unconscious, non-spiritual Annanuki, do not know to this day, the harm they perpetrate, just by stepping into a world not meant for them.

The difference between the interference on Teagusi and the interference upon Earth, is the interference on Earth is a very dark precisioned strategy to keep humanity from their Spiritual Counsel..

The interfering factions have put many safeguards in place, to make sure you do not connect.

Nuclear [energy] is one of these safeguards. Nuclear shatters the etheric realms making it difficult for the upper dimensional realms a continuing connection.

Not having any real counsel or direction from the upper dimensional realms, which IS possible through the use of tools.

Not understanding Ascension, or the interfering realms, and how and why they interfere, will be the death of humanities Ascension.

Blessings from Salamander

and Aurora - GriffonSayer

Number of posts : 7
Location : Northern Territory, Australia
Hobbies : Photography, walking in Nature; ancient history, Universe knowledge
Tell us about yourself : Retired science technician; student of Spirit.
Appreciation Points : 11
Registration date : 2009-05-27

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The Basic Requirement of Ascension Empty Re: The Basic Requirement of Ascension

Post by Spirit-Being September 28th 2009, 8:04 pm

Voyager wrote:I had been asked to put here some of the articles from the above Newsletter, about ascension. Bear in mind that there are now two issues available, and many more interesting pieces of information besides the ones below. This information is not copyrighted; ascension information is free for all interested to see and use. However, ascension is very difficult, and is not necessarily for everyone, this life. If it is for you, you will likely have a keen interest to follow it up...

Ascension For Humanity Is Being Sabotaged
from The EarthMother through Aurora - GriffonSayer

I have karma, you too, have karma.
I have been mined, and elements removed, you too, have been mined and elements removed. I have dissonant etheric 'machinery' built around and over me, so you have had dissonant etheric 'machinery' built around and over you.
I have parasites, you too have parasites.

I have been manipulated, controlled, deceived, seduced and betrayed.
You too have been all this and more.
Over many lifetimes – again and again. All the perpetrations are there recorded in your etheric matrix, as they are recorded in mine.
All records of sabotage to cause sabotage, to be sabotaged.
These records of deceptions, perpetrations and manipulations are all sabotaging the humans ability to tune in, understand, authentic Ascension.
Humans are now being seduced and betrayed in a much deeper, darker way than ever before.

Your Ascension is being removed right from under your nose – and you do not notice.

There are five main reasons for allowing this sabotage.
1. The dark agendas not wanting humanity to ascend, are unseen and virtually undetectable.
2. Humans have been implanted with many reptilian implants
3. All humanities original spiritual gifts of sight and insight have been lost.
4. Most works written about ascension are incorrect.
5. Many psychic, intuitive, visionary humans are misinterpreting the messages and visions..

Ascension requires the individual to clear karma, remove implants and implement tools and abilities to facilitate communion with the upper dimensional realms.
It is the upper dimensional realms that have humanities Map for Ascension.

By 'upper dimensional realms' I mean, the Nature Realms, the Elementals, Transcended Ancestors,
The Tao, and myself. Yes Beloved, I communicate with all those who have the correct tools, and do the correct inner work.
If this inner work is not done – then communion with the upper dimensional realms cannot be established.
Simply because your karmas create pathways to the interfering factions, who will stand in the way of your higher spiritual collaboration.

I assure you they WILL interfere.
It is the karmas you have with all the false gods (calling themselves 'ascended masters') and the implants the reptilians have inserted, are all pathways to those who have interfered in the past, and can interfere again, because karma and implants are virtual 'enablers'. The implants enable, and the karmas allow..

The true spiritual realms that mentor and counsel, can only stand aside and allow this interference.

Implants are the most insidious, and are the most difficult to remove. Most humans have spells over their implants, to veil the implant. These spells cause the human to not focus enough to remove the implants. Many implants have locks and keys, pins and clamps, around and over them, making removal even more difficult. Oftentimes it takes an ascending initiate, who has already done this work, to help detect and remove for another.

All implants are programmes. All the various programmes are designed to prevent the human species from ascending.
EVERY human has not one implant, but many.

Then there are the karmas to reveal and clear.

There is a lot of karma to be cleared if one is intending to ascend. It will be through a daily structure of communing with the spiritual realms, your karmas will be presented in an order. Your spiritual guidance will give the necessary help to understand and clear, creating a fluidity to get the work done in the shortest possible time.
If one has cleared no karma with the the interfering factions, then there will be a continual subtle interference, that will lead you from the authentic work to be done.

There are those purporting to teach karma clearing, and those who think they have cleared their karma. Beloved if you have not visioned an ancient circumstance involving the Annanuki and understood their role and interference – if you have not visioned a circumstance involving Nibiru – or a circumstance in a life beyond Earth – you have not cleared a karma at its Origins.
Understanding this level of clearing karma, the 'Original Cause' level, lifts the veils on the reptilian agenda. They are the original perpetrators on this planet, they perpetrated through the Greek gods, and they now interfere and perpetrate through you.

Your spiritual guides will take you back to the Original Cause of each karma. These have very ancient origins that must be seen, and understood, for true forgiveness to work.
No one else can do this work for you, as karma are our Spiritual Lessons.
Forgiveness is the key, but only if it is placed upon the correct original circumstance.
If the karmas are not properly seen and understood, the lesson for todays being is not understood.

We are evolving to the 5th dimension. The shift has begun.
For those who can do the inner work, to remove karma and implants, it will be in this life-time.
For those who cannot do this inner work, it will be through another future incarnation.

There is a magic for those who can do this work.

Ascending is difficult, it may well be the most difficult thing you have ever done. The work at times seems never ending - to clear karma, spells, curses, implants and machinery. To rid oneself of all the interferences from the non-ascending realms who WILL interfere once you start the journey.
To understand and interpret daily messages, from the dream, visions, and other tools to receive daily messages. These messages help the initiate understand the inner work to be done, and also to give you Sacred Truths of Consciousness and Ascension.

There comes a time, when barriers are pushed through, your ascending magnificence is revealed to you. You are now walking the path of an ascending master, events orchestrated for you to walk and talk your ascension.
I will be behind you and beside you.

I Honor You, so You can Honor Ascension

The EarthMother
Aurora - GriffonSayer

I really enjoyed reading the first part of your post. I can see alot of what you mention to be some of the Mountains i have climbed and some that i still need to overcome. Speaking of implants this is very true, although i am not quite sure who or the force that is behind implanting these untruths in us. But i have recognized many of them and have done much inner work which i feel has truly helped me to remove implanted ideas and concepts. I do know there are many more implants that are still there, that i have not fully become aware of. In time i know i will become aware of them and remove their hold so that i may begin to see the Truth. We all will one day see the Truth this i know.

Many Blessings

Number of posts : 2293
Age : 49
Location : Hamden, Connecticut
Hobbies : Reading, Creating Things, Music, Meditating, and Being a part of Nature
Appreciation Points : 2727
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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