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Rebekah Shamans Full Moon Lunascope Monday 22nd July 2013

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Rebekah Shamans Full Moon Lunascope Monday 22nd July 2013  Empty Rebekah Shamans Full Moon Lunascope Monday 22nd July 2013

Post by mia July 23rd 2013, 1:52 pm

This Aquarius moon is perfectly placed to remind us that we are all in this together. It can take us to another level of awareness that goes beyond the rational, selfish, three dimensional perspective to a more encompassing viewpoint. It enables us to move beyond the vulnerable victim to a more empowered state of personal responsibility.
It represents the shift from individual conscious to a more collective consciousness. Under this moon we feel more connected to our wider community, humanity as a whole and sometimes this can extend to the universe, other dimensions and beyond.
Ruled by both Uranus, the planet of ‘awakening’ and Saturn, the planet of ‘restrictions and limitations’ The full moon in Aquarius rips away the veil of illusion, takes us out of the conventional mind-set and helps us to see outside the box.

However, this particular moon has the potential to trigger a collective need to emancipate from the societal and financial slavery that is keeping us supressed and held back by tearing open up the cracks of discontent.
We could see a lot more riots and unrest kick off under this moon, as people find the inner strength to express their feelings. Sometimes, we need to go through the anger and rage before we can find the resources within ourselves to break out of our mental prison.
Nevertheless, Aquarius is more focused on bringing about inner change so this can also be a ‘breakthrough’ moon, especially for those who have been treading water over the last few months and have been unsure of the next steps. 
It’s as though the fog is lifting and we can see things from an alternative perspective enabling us to have a new vision of who we are and what we need to do in the world. We are coming out of the Mercury retrograde and things are already beginning to look different so make sure you take some time out to hear the messages that this moon brings. 
This Aquarius moon is also helping us to realign with our purpose and passion symbolised by the female water-bearing Goddess, who pours life-giving, nourishing water onto the land. This is a metaphor to help us feel our own personal connection with nature. This moon reminds us that we too must share our life-giving, nourishing qualities with all life so that our symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth is a healthy one.

This is also a good time to go into the silence, as it is one of the last opportunities to use these planetary energies to really get clear and integrate the last few months, weeks and days.  Soon the river will be flowing fast, very fast, as we head into August bringing with it a new, more dynamic energy influenced by the Leo new moon and then a second moon in the sign of Aquarius, bringing with it a continuation of the revolutionary energy that is fuelling the change.

My advice is to surround yourself with loving friends and family this weekend. Do something special together and send that love vibration out into the world. 
I will end this Lunascope with the very wise words of Mahatma Gandhi:
“Where there is love, there is life"

With Gratitude, Blessings and Love
Rebekah Shaman

I am very happy to share my Lunascope but if you do use any part of it please credit me and my website www.rebekahshaman.com so people can subscribe.
Thank you,
R.S x x x

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Rebekah Shamans Full Moon Lunascope Monday 22nd July 2013  Empty Re: Rebekah Shamans Full Moon Lunascope Monday 22nd July 2013

Post by Guest July 23rd 2013, 11:07 pm

Very nice Mia.Thanks

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